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Those would be the curds in your whey.

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Q: After waiting a few minutes while making cheese what is the solid lumpy part called?
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Why is cheddar cheese yellow?

If cheddar cheese is yellow, it has added color.

Can whey be used to make bread after making cheese?

no It can not be used after making cheese

What type of cheese goes into making cheddar?

Cows milk, not cheese, goes into making cheddar

What are the differences between commercial cheese making and organic farm cheese making?

there is a better cheese than the cheese that is being cheesed in the cheesy cheesier chesus cheese.

Where can one find books on cheese making?

One may find books on cheese making at Amazon. They have an exhaustive supply of books on the process of making cheese from beginner to expert levels.

What is coagulated milk called?

Coagulated milk separates into Curds (the solids used in cheese-making) and Whey (the liquid).