

Are clouds an energy source

Updated: 9/15/2023
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14y ago

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No, clouds are just water vapor...

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Q: Are clouds an energy source
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Are clouds a renewable source of energy?

No, clouds are not a source of energy. They are just puffs of water vapor floating in the sky. Wind and water are sources of energy.

Is source of energy the sun?

Clouds are the source of rain,through what is known as the water cycle, where fog is low hanging clouds picking up water to the clouds from water sources.

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The convection is the source of all clouds and precipitation

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The main source of freshwater is from the clouds... And the refrigerator

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The source of energy that causes the water cycle to happen is the sun. Without the sun water would not evaporate and then it would not condense. If there is no water condensed into clouds then there wouldn't be any rain or precipitation.