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Did even the Shakers achieve that?

To the extent which Shakers achieved it, which is to say to the extent which some small set of fervent believers band together to create a community which they largely believe is following principles they all believe, well that kind of thing (whether you call it a cult or a community) happens all over the place. Consider monastic orders such as the Benedictines, which have existed for hundreds of years.

Everyone's utopia is different, but you can find small groups close enough to agreement to make it work, sometimes for much longer than Shakers.

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Q: Are the Shakers the only religious group able to establish a lasting Uptopian community?
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Are the shakers a cult?

Because a cult is defined as a religious group/activity, the Shakers are a cult because their community was a religious.

What functional prerequisites was not fulfilled by the religious sect known as the Shakers?

preserving order

What religious group practiced celibacy and depended upon new converts for survival?

it was the Shakers.

Why do shakers believe in celibacy and was that the reason they are in non existence?

According to the Official Creed of the Shakers ( just ignore the advertising) celibacy was practiced as a form of obedience to Christ's example of celibacy. Overcoming "lust" and remaining a virgin allowed the believer to remain pure from that particular sin while he/she lived on earth and furthered their work towards perfection. You can read the book of all of Mother Anne's teachings at that website. Interestingly, fatherhood and motherhood were held in high esteem and Shakers often adopted orphans who would then be raised in a mixed-gender household, with a "mother" and "father" and "aunts" and "uncles." Many sociologists believe that the reason for the slow extinction of the Shakers comes not only from the practice of celibacy but also from changes in laws so that religious groups were no longer allowed to adopt orphans. For an in-depth, scholarly view of the Shaker's, you can read about them here:

Where do Shakers live?

They live in places around the 50 states but the one I know is Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village New Gloucester, MAINE.

Related questions

Are the shakers a cult?

Because a cult is defined as a religious group/activity, the Shakers are a cult because their community was a religious.

What religious books do the shakers follow?

The founder of the Shakers, as a religious group, was formerly a Quaker. Both Quakers and Shakers use the Bible as their fundamental religious book.

Who are the shakers?

the shakers are a small religious section that was founded in machester,England, in 1747

What has the author Lucy Bowers written?

Lucy Bowers has written: 'Concise statements concerning the life and religious views of the Shakers' -- subject(s): Doctrines, Shakers 'Concise statements concerning the religious views of the Shakers' -- subject(s): Doctrines, Shakers

Why were the shakers called the shakers?

According to the article that I read on the internet, and what I had heard before they shook in religious fervor during their religious services, thus the name.

What was the longest lasting Utopian community in the US?
