



The scientific study of celestial bodies. Find questions on Constellations, Planets and more.

500 Questions

What type of reaction powers stars?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is thermo-nuclear fusion.

That is two atoms of hydrogen aredraw to each other by gravity. They become so close they fuse together and release energy in the process.

This happens billions of times over in a given locality in space, and as such a star forms.

How is the sun the earth and the moon positioned during the first quarter moon?

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Asked by Wiki User

They are at 'right-angles', with the Earth at the corner of the right angle.

Which quality makes Earth particularly well-suited to support life?

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Asked by Wiki User

It contains the right amount of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen. Its distance from the sun helps maintain a narrow temperature range. It has a strong magnetic field.

Earths precession resulted in an ice age that ended about how many years ago?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the last couple of million years, the Earth has experienced dozens of ice ages.

The last one ended about 15,000 years ago. We don't know if they are related at all

to the Earth's "precession", which is a 26,000-year-long "wobble" in the Earth's spin.

There is no reason for precession to have any effect on Earth's climate, since the

'tilt' of the axis remains constant throughout the cycle of precession.

What is long form of NGO?

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Asked by Wiki User

The full form of NGO is Non-Governmental Organization.

What is celestial space objects can be meteoroid come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

The space rock is the celestial space object that a meteoroid comes from.

What planet's distance from the sun is about 72 percent of the distance from the sun to the earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

The distance between the Sun and the Earth is 1 AU (149.597 m km / 93 m miles) whereas the distance between the Sun and Venus is at an average of 0.723 AU (108. 200 m km / 67.625 m miles). So it can be called 72% of the Sun-Earth distance.

Is gravity a pushing force?

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Asked by Wiki User

Unlike some other forces in physics, gravity only manifests as a pulling force rather than a pushing one. Some ideas do exist about exotic forms of matter with a negative energy density or negative mass, which might have a repelling quality but we do not have examples of such.

What do meteors smell like?

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Asked by Wiki User

After Apollo activities outside the lander, Aldrin described the tiny rocks and dust they dragged in from the lunar surface as smelling like charcoal or fireplace ash. While such dust is partly consequential to micrometeorite activity, strictly speaking a meteor is only something that travels through the sky not hitting the ground, hence we would not have much chance to sniff it.

What did the Alien from outer space say to the green book?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lead me to your readers

The largest layer of the suns atmosphere?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hottest Layer of the Suns Atmospere.

The core is the hottest layer of the sun. Its temperature is nearly 15 million degrees F.The reason that the core is the hottest is due to the gravitational pressure.

This being said, there are individual spots in the corona of the sun which from time to time is known to be hotter than the core. The corona is an outer atmosphere of the sun (if you see a picture of a solar eclipse, the corona is typically the edge of the sun not covered by the earth).

Which planet was farthest away from the sun from 1978-1999?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pluto was the farthest planet from the Sun from 1978 to 1999. However, it's worth noting that Pluto is no longer classified as a planet; it was reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006 by the International Astronomical Union.

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Do Stars expand into giants when hydrogen is exhausted in their centers?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, a red giant is a massive star, and they do usually explode, not when their hydrogen fuel is depleted, but when it is diminished enough that the star's gravitational force is lessened to the point that it is weaker than the explosive force of the massive number of nuclear explosions occurring in it's core.

What is the role of Ketu in Vedic astrology?

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Asked by Gussie Gutkowski

In Vedic astrology, Ketu is a shadowy planet associated with spirituality, liberation, and karmic patterns. It represents the tail of the celestial serpent and signifies detachment, intuition, and mystical experiences. Ketu is both a spiritual guide and a marker of past-life influences, emphasizing spiritual growth through detachment from material desires. Its placement in a birth chart indicates areas of life where one may face challenges but also offers opportunities for deep introspection and wisdom. While it can bring unconventional insights, Ketu's influence requires balance to navigate its transformative energies positively in the pursuit of spiritual evolution.

Note : more information u_se Horizonaarc website_

What percentage of the universe is antimatter?

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Asked by Wiki User

4.3% of the universe (~45 Billion Light year diameter) is Planets, Gases and Such. Dark Matter (WMP, or Weakly Interacting Mass Particle) is invisible. If my math is correct, (and i did it on a hitachi supercomputer) the universe should weigh around... 790 centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion centillion Tonnes, to the 947,304,691,120,161,109,425e+4964546546516548897984351th Power! I Guess About 74 followed by trllions of trillions of trillions of digits, pounds thats heavy

What probably explains why the Maya used 20-day segments in their ritual calendar and 20-day months in their solar calendar?

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Asked by Gp25233772431999

Their counting system was based on 20, to the best of my knowledge. Also they saw the year as 360 days. This is a multiple of 20. That may explain why.

How far is Taurus from earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

Taurus is a constellation, which is (roughly speaking) a direction in space. Therefore, it makes no sense to talk about the distance to a constellation - that's like asking "how far is north", or "how far is up".

What does a lion represent?

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Courage, strength, power, and majesty

It can also symbolize an evil force preying upon the weak.

A Lion represents an adulteress. A human is a saved Christian.

Example, If I had a dream and in that dream a female lioness came over to me and I was afraid, and then after awhile a male Lion came over to me and I was quite afraid, and after awhile the female lioness invited me to come over to their house for lunch the next day, what do you think was for lunch? Me! Get it?

The Human represents a saved Christian and the lioness an adulteress.

If the Christian prevents himself from becoming entangled in an adulteress affair with the lioness, then the lion is lucky and becomes saved by the witness of the Christian. But if the Christian allows himself to become entangled in an adulteress affair with the lioness, then the Christian becomes foul, polluted by worldly lusts. And the lion becomes human because now the "two have become one flesh".

Proverbs 6:26 (The Message)

You can buy an hour with a whore for a loaf of bread,

but a wanton woman may well eat you alive.

Proverbs 6:26 (New International Version 1984)

for the prostitute reduces you to a loaf of bread,

and the adulteress preys upon your very life.

1 Corinthians 6:16 (New International Version 1984)

Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, "The two will become one flesh."

When was the last asteroid to hit earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Earth has undoubtedly been struck by many different asteroids over the past few billion years, though the signs of many have been eroded away by weather and geological changes. Among the more well known places of such collisions are the 110-mile Chicxulub Crater at the end of the Yucatán Peninsula (which ended the dinosaurs), the 4,000-foot wide Meteor Crater in Arizona, and the site of the Tunguska River from the overhead detonation of an asteroid in 1908.

What is a lighter part of a shadow?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lunar eclipse: Earth makes the shadow; the moon passes through it.

Earth's shadow is large enough to darken the shole moon at the same time.

Solar eclipse: Moon makes the shadow; earth passes through it.

Moon's shadow is not large enough to darken the whole earth at the same time ...

it causes only a small dark spot, that moves along the surface as the earth turns.

How can you feel air?

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Asked by Wiki User

Using your sense of touch. For example the temperature of the air, or the humidity, or the movement of the wind. These sensory indications compose the 'feel' of the air around us.

Make a sentence for astronomy?

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Asked by Wiki User

An asteroid is a bunch of rocks moving through out solar system

What is the meaning for a jewelled sky?

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Asked by Wiki User

The star was twinkling so that is the meaning of the jewelled sky. This means that the sky was full of shimmer and glittery star. It shows that it was a romantic night for the Highwayman as he is going to visit Bess.