


Books and Literature

This category is for questions and answers about forms of books and literature. The categories subtopics include authors, poetry, plays, classics, and many other literary elements.

500 Questions

How did Hopeful convince Christian not to end his life?

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Asked by ZunnRongzonfb5725

How did hopeful motivate Christian not to take their life

What is the summary for the wooing of beppo t ate chapter 8?

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Asked by Wiki User

Daphne and Beppo became friends and they share some intimate secrets. Daphne promises to reveal to Beppo what she meant by the statement that he and Mr. Tate didn't know what was really going on.

What are the main events in Holes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Main events in Holes


· Stanley is unluckily hit with a pair of stolen sneakers which he is arrested for

· After choosing between Jail and Camp Green Lake he chooses the later

· He Digs his first Hole

· He meets his room mates

· He is called Caveman

· Friendship grows between Stanley and Zero once he starts to teach him to read

· Tension builds between room mates and Stanley as they become jealous of Zero digging Stanley's holes

· The warden and Mr Sir pick on Zero which makes him run away

· Stanley follows him eventually and finds Zero.

· Climb big thumb, found onions and water. Madam Zeroni's curse is lifted. Zero reveals truth about sneakers

· Return to Camp Green Lake to find treasure but are caught when they do

· Escape death by Yellow spotted lizards because of eating onions.

· Lawyer helps get the boys out of camp Green

· Warden caught mistreating prisoners and camp Green is shut down.


· Kate is a school teacher and works at green lake.

· She is predicted to marry the wealthiest man in town and he does everything to win her affections

· Kate, befriends Sam and their love grows when he helps build her school house.

· Sam sells onions and loves his donkey Mary Lou

· The local gossip tells on them when she sees them kissing.

· Trout burns down school and kills Sam.

· No more rain ever falss on Green lake

· Kate is mad with grief and becomes the outlaw

· She also robs Stanley's great-grandfather and burries his treasure, which Stanley in the present day finds.

· Kate 20 something years later is found by Trout and tortured all day to reveal the whereabouts of the treasure. She dies laughing when bitten by a yellow spotted lizard.

Stanley's Great-Great-grandfathers story(Elya)

· Elya Yelnats, received a pig from Madame Zeroni, a gypsy, in exchange for a promise.

· He wants the Pig as a bargaining item for the women he loves.

· Elya's promise was that after the pig grew strong he would carry Madame Zeroni, who only had one leg, up a mountain and sing her a song that she had taught him.

· Madam Zeroni wanred him that if he did not fulfill his poem then him and his descendents will be cursed forever

· After becoming disillusioned with the girl he thought he loved, Elya hops a boat to America, forgetting his promise to Madame Zeroni.

· Elya marries and has a child in America and always thinks about Madame Zeroni, who he believes has cursed him because of his failure to fulfill his promise.

· He knows that Madame Zeroni's son lives in America, but Elya never finds him.

· His descendents still believe that the curse exists.

Why is there good reason to believe that the idea of a universal law of human nature is a solid truth?

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Asked by Wiki User

The truth of God's word in Romans explains that all humans have a conscience and desire self and group acceptance.

Romans 2:13-15 (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;)

Further truth reveals that all humans are also subject to deceitful lusts. Only when love is the motivator can a person renew his mind and replace the old man nature with the new man.

Ephesians 4:22,23 That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;

How do children experience stories?

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Asked by Divarockstar

Hearing stories is vital for a child's development, fostering language skills, cognitive abilities, emotional understanding, and social awareness. Stories also cultivate creativity, nurture cultural appreciation, and contribute to pre-literacy skills, making them an essential component of a child's holistic growth.

What is Parshuram Award?

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Asked by Wiki User

Parshuram award is Himachal's highest state sports award . Parshuram awards were announced in Himachal Pradesh in 1987. This award is related with sports and this award is given to whom, who makes exceptional contribution at national and international levels. In this award the governments represent the recipients and give 10000/- cash. The list of recipients are given below who has got this prestigious award.

S.No. Name - Field - Year

1. Smt. Suman Rawat Athletics 1987

2. Shri Chaman Singh Volleyball 1987

3. Shri Veerender Sharma Boxing 1987

4. Shri Shakaljang Dorjee Archery 1991

5. Kumari Kamlesh Athletics 1991.

Parshuram awards given in 1997 .

Sr.No. - Name - Field

1. Uma Kumari Skiing

2. Bhagat Singh Thakur Boxing

3. Rajiv Nayyar Cricket

Where can one find books for sale?

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Asked by Wiki User

Books can be found for sale in various places, both online and offline. Here are some common options:

Bookstores: Visit local independent bookstores or large chain bookstores in your area. Examples include Barnes & Noble, Water stones, or independent bookshops.

Online Retailers: There are several online platforms where you can purchase both physical and digital books. Some popular ones include:


Barnes & Noble online

Book Depository


E-book Platforms: If you prefer digital books, consider e-book platforms such as:

Kindle Store (Amazon)

Apple Books

Google Play Books

Nook (Barnes & Noble)

Libraries: While libraries are not places to purchase books, they are excellent resources for borrowing books for free. Many libraries also have book sales or used bookstores where you can buy books at a lower cost.

Secondhand Bookstores: Check out local secondhand or used bookstores, as they often offer a diverse selection of books at lower prices.

Book Fairs and Events: Attend book fairs, author signings, or literary events in your area, where books are often available for purchase.

Specialty Stores: Some specialty stores focus on specific genres or topics. For example, comic book stores, religious bookstores, or stores specializing in rare books.

Community Sales: Keep an eye out for community events, garage sales, or book sales organized by local groups or charities.

Remember to compare prices, check for discounts, and explore both online and offline options to find the best deals on the books you're interested in.

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Imagine attending a local book fair or literary event armed with professionally designed e-books and reports created effortlessly on This on this platform. You can showcase your ideas, attract attention, and stand out in the crowd, all while complementing the traditional avenues of book discovery.

In a world where storytelling takes various forms, adds a new dimension to the book-buying experience. Whether you're exploring bookstores, engaging with online retailers, or navigating community sales, the content you create with this platform seamlessly fits into the vibrant tapestry of the literary world.

Are we still sinners after receiving Christ?

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Asked by Wiki User

Repentance is for the unsaved sinner. When he accepts Christ, he receives remission of sins.

Acts 2:38 "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."

After accepting Christ, we are still fallible and will sin. Confession is for the saved sinner. When he confesses his sins to God, he receives forgiveness of sins.

I John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

Should a father show his son his penis?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, let's make sure the essential facts of being human (and all life) are kept secret, daddy's naughty's parts most of all. Sorry, I'm not a puritan fascist - Dad has a penis and junior has one. Is there a secret here? That some people think there should be says a lot about the sickness of America. Scenario: 'Dad, I have a bump or something here'. 'You mind showing me?' 'Why should I - here look.' 'That's nothing to worry about, son, I have one sort of like it. See?' Mystery solved, no worries. And a kid's learning how to grow up to be a man, not a hysterical hypocrate pretending children aren't sexual or don't know by ten what those great appendages are for. The two guys above are comfortable in their manhood. OK, I'll really go off a limb here. There are cultures where parents teach their children the pleasures of masturbation. I see nothing wrong with intelligently and gently teaching children the truth of life, so they won't be terrified of it as so many who answer questions here are.

If a young son asks his father to show his penis to him for educational purposes then this is acceptable and normal behaviour between a boy and his father. Although, with the internet it is less and less likely any boy needs to ask a parent about the human form anymore.

A lot of fathers innocently expose themselves to their sons when in the changing rooms at the local swimming pool. The young boys soon get used to seeing penises from all the males changing anyway. Sometimes they talk about it with their peers when going swimming without Dad. They have a laugh at all the different sizes along with the bums and fat or skinny boys and men. It is all a part of them growing up and learning about theirs and others bodies.

Who are the characters in the book Stolen by Vivian Vande Velde?

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what is the setting in the book STOLEN by Vivian Vande Velde?

What is the main idea of this excerpt?

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Asked by Wiki User

Obama understands that personal problems can make it difficult to focus in school

Why does Dee change her name in everyday use?

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Asked by Wiki User

She hopes it might distance her from her past (Apex)

What website do you get on to read along with action books?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wizdom is an exceptional platform specializing in comprehensive book summaries across diverse genres. While Wizdom doesn’t directly provide access to full-length action books, it's an invaluable resource for condensed insights from a wide array of literary works. For enriched knowledge and condensed wisdom from various genres, including action-oriented literature, Wizdom remains an excellent destination offering valuable insights for readers seeking condensed yet informative content.

link in bio copy and past or search wizdom app

How many books has Ken Follett written?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ken Follett is a popular author of many thriller novels. Some of his books are Whiteout, Hornet Flight, and Code to Zero. The third book in the Century Trilogy is set for release in 2014. It will be titled Edge of Eternity.

Why did steinbeck write Of Mice and Men?

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Asked by Francesca Feil

Steinbeck wrote Of Mice and Men in order to show the pain and miseries of dreams that the farm labourers went through. The novel was written to show through past experiences that dreams are stepping stones to fulfilling an aspiration and as sometimes dreams are just a form of encouragement unlikely to come true. Furthermore, all characters represent some form of experiences that people went through. For example, Crooks represents the black people, Curley's wife represents the typical female in the times, and Curley represents those men that because of wealth had power but otherwise were just cold hearted useless men.

Hope this helps.

Who is mr redmond in the story A Cow Called Boy?

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Asked by Wiki User

What is mr.redmond name

Is the bathroom the germiest place in the house?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, according to my research, the kitchen is germiest place in the house.

What was the name of the short stories used by Jesus to teach a lesson or truth by comparison?

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Asked by Wiki User

Jesus' teachings often included simple stories spoken as parables.

Matthew 13:24 "Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field..."

A parable is a comparison by continued resemblance. The word parable comes from the Latin word parabola, meaning "comparison." A parable is a figure of speech (a continued simile) stating that one thing resembles another.