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There would have to be a list of assumptions here for us to discover an answer. The basic response is that if you put a 12-volt lamp in a circuit and power it up with 120 volts, it should vaporize the filament in the lamp in a heartbeat. If a 12-volt lamp is powered up by a 120 volt AC circuit and the filament doesn't disappear, then there is something amiss with the information provided or the understanding of the circuits and components being asked about. Anyone who posts a question and then runs into a "vague" answer like this should consider it a "best effort" by a Contributor, and then proceed to do some investigation to edit the question and post more information. This may lead to an answer to the "real" question. Most Contributors here are sincere in their desire to help. But some questions tie the hands of a would-be answerer for lack of sufficient information.

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