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You need to find out how many ohm's your deck is pushing out and make sure you have the right grade speaker wire so you don't under power the speaker

Rubbish. A "deck" doesn't "push out" ohms.

An amplifier is designed to develop a stated power in a stated impedance, and that is based on the amplifier's ability to deliver current.

An amplifier designed to deliver maximum output to a 6 ohm load can safely drive an 8 ohm one. But it will not be able to develop its maximum power.

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13y ago

You can sure, the issue will be the amp driving the speakers, an amp with a low impedance output will be very inefficient with these speakers. So ideally for a effective and efficient system, it's about impedance matching.

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12y ago

Yes, but you will not be able to achieve rated power. It is also possible that this configuration will damage the amplifier. You should use the speakers that the amplifier was designed for, in order to properly match the voltage and current headroom in the amplifier.

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13y ago

A: It safely can however the system efficiency will be reduced

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Q: Can a 8 ohm speaker replace a 6 ohm speaker?
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Will an 8 ohm speaker work with an 6 ohm amplifier?

Yes, but it will not be as loud as it would have been had a 6 Ohm speaker been used. Byt the way, the word 'Ohm' is capitalized, because it was someone's name.

How do you make a 16 ohm speaker 8 ohm?

You cannot make a 16 ohm speaker into an 8 ohm speaker. You would need to replace the voice coil. You can, however, put two 16 ohm speakers in parallel, and the equivalent impedance would be 8 ohms. The only remaining issue is frequency response, and that's a factor of speaker and enclosure design, so best is to use the exact speaker as originally designed.

Can you replace an 8 ohm speaker with a 4 ohm speaker?

Only if your amplifier is capable of driving a 4 ohm speaker. Some have a switch on the back to select 4 or 8ohm speakers. Details should either be printed some where on the back of the amp or the instruction manual

What is the difference between a 8 ohm speaker and 12 ohm speaker?

Study ohms law to get your head around it.

Can you run 4ohm resistor to make 4 ohms speakers 2 ohm?

Yes, you can safely use a 4 ohm amp with one 8 ohm speaker, but you will not achieve full power. The 4 ohm amp is designed to supply a certain voltage into a 4 ohm speaker. Supplying that same voltage to an 8 ohm speaker will result in half the power, or -3dB. For maximum power, use a 4 ohm speaker, or two 8 ohm speakers in parallel.

How do i Make a 8 ohm speaker 16 ohm?

You can't change the ohm load of a speaker. What you can do, is get a second 8 ohm speaker to run with that speakers in series and you will get a total ohm load of 16 ohms.To run them in series, simply wire the positive terminal of one speaker to the negative of the other speaker. One speaker will have an open positive terminal which you wire to the positive terminal on the amp, and same goes for the negative on the other speaker (to the amp's negative terminal of course).