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of course! cats have a very good sense of smell. they can smell poisen, mold, etc. in practicly anything, including their food But some kittens are a bit inexperienced, and if they're too hungry, they'll try eating something a lil bit going bad (like canned food that has been sitting more than 2 hours and such). So watch out and don't forget to change out even if they don't finish their wet food! (just toss the left over or buy smaller can next time - in my case i just gave them half the can and refrigerated the other half covered, then gave that to them for the next meal on the same day)

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Q: Can a cat tell when something is wrong with their food?
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Your cat is meowing you think something is wrong?

The meowing of a cat is perfectly normal. I its his/her way of asking for something or loving you. If something is wrong your cat will probably be lazy and growling.

Something is wrong with your kitten she is barely moving she is an outside cat with her mom not weaned yet with plenty of water and food what could be wrong?

There are a lot of things that could be wrong with her. She could have worms if she is an outdoor cat, or she could have something wrong with her internally. The best way to know exactlywhat is going on is to take her to the vet. If it's something serious they can take care of it right away and potentially save her life.

Is your cat sick with green poo?

Green faeces is not normal, and usually indicates something is wrong. It can just mean the cat has eaten something that doesn't agree with it, but it also can mean something more sinister. Take your cat to the vet.

What does it mean when your cat claws you for nothing?

If your cat claws you for nothing they most likely have too much energy and need a scratching post. Or sometimes your cat is trying to tell you something like, "I don't want to be petted right now" or,"I'm hungry and have no food".

When you get some cat food how long will it take for the cat to come to you?

Depending on how you present the food and how you call it forth, it could take as little as a few minutes for a friendly cat or a week or two for a solitary/hostile cat to adjust, or maybe never if you don't have strong enough bait. If you are attempting to get a strange cat to come to you, I wouldn't suggest ordinary cat food; cat treats, canned cat food, cheese, milk or meat (not raw!) will tempt a cat forward fairly quickly. Cat food as it is isn't something an ordinary cat would spend his time after.