

Best Answer

Yes, u can do so. But you need to allocate memory to it. For exampe if you declare it like

char *myarr[4];

It is an uninitlized array of pointers. If you use it direct. You will get error.

You need to allocate memory to it. And then you can use it.

Here is the code

char *ab[4];

for (int j=0; j<3; j++)

ab[j]=(char *) malloc(10);

for (int j=0; j<3; j++)

scanf("%s", ab[j]);

for (int j=0; j<3; j++)

printf("%s\n", ab[j]);

Hope that helps

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Q: Can an array of pointers to strings be used to collect strings from the keyboard?
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What is Arrays of Pointers?

An array of pointers is a contiguous block of memory that contains pointers to other memory locations. They essentially allow non-contiguous memory locations to be treated as if they were an actual array.

Why array is a implicit pointer?

An array of pointers is exactly what it sounds like - one or more pointers arranged in order in memory, accessible through a common base name and indexed as needed. Philosophically, there is no difference between an array of pointers and an array of a[10]; // 10 integers, named a[0], a[1], a[2], ..., a[9]int *b[10]; // 10 pointers to int, named b[0], b[1], b[2], ..., b[9]If you initialize the array of i;for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) b[i] = &a[i];... then *b[0] would be the same as a[0], etc.

Write javascript code to display a list of strings?

You need to put the strings in an array, and then loop through the array to output the strings. Something like this would be a simple example: ---------------- var strings = ["s1","s2","s3"]; for ( var i in strings ) { document.write( strings[i] ); }

Why would you use the array of pointers to pointers?

You would use an array of pointers to pointers whenever you wished to implement a dynamic multi-dimensional array of 3 or more dimensions. Every multi-dimensional array can ultimately be reduced to a one-dimensional array where each element is itself a one-dimensional array (an array of arrays). With fixed-size arrays, all elements can be allocated contiguously regardless of how many dimensions there are. Fixed size arrays can be allocated both statically (when the size is known at compile time) or dynamically (when the size is unknown at compile time). However with large arrays it is often necessary to divide the array into smaller subarrays each of which is allocated separately (non-contiguously with each other) and maintain a separate array of pointers to keep track of each of those subarrays. Although this consumes more memory than a contiguously-allocated array would, it has the added benefit in that each subarray need not be the same length, thus it can actually save memory overall. However, if we had several such arrays then we would need yet another array in order to keep track of them all, and this array would need to be an array of pointers to pointers.

Pointer to 3 dimensons array?

If the array is static you can simply point at the first element. For dynamic arrays you can allocate a contiguous block to a single pointer which can then be subdivided using a one-dimensional array of pointer to pointers, each of which points to a one-dimensional array of pointers, each of which points to a separate object within the array. For extremely large arrays, however, it is better to split the elements into separate one-dimensional arrays, by creating a one-dimensional array of pointer to pointers first, then allocating each of those pointers to a separate one-dimensional array of pointers, each of which points to a separate one-dimensional array of objects. Either way, you must destroy all the individual arrays in the reverse order of creation.

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What is an array pointers?

I guess it is an 'array of pointers'. Example:int main (int argc, char *argv[])

What is Arrays of Pointers?

An array of pointers is a contiguous block of memory that contains pointers to other memory locations. They essentially allow non-contiguous memory locations to be treated as if they were an actual array.

Why array is a implicit pointer?

An array of pointers is exactly what it sounds like - one or more pointers arranged in order in memory, accessible through a common base name and indexed as needed. Philosophically, there is no difference between an array of pointers and an array of a[10]; // 10 integers, named a[0], a[1], a[2], ..., a[9]int *b[10]; // 10 pointers to int, named b[0], b[1], b[2], ..., b[9]If you initialize the array of i;for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) b[i] = &a[i];... then *b[0] would be the same as a[0], etc.

What is array of string?

An array of strings is usually implemented as an array of character pointers. Each pointer refers to a a null-terminated character array, and can be treated just as if it were a two-dimensional array where the length of each "row" is not fixed length (the null terminator marks the end of each row). The array of character pointers must be allocated in contiguous memory (as must all one-dimensional arrays), however the character arrays they point to need not be allocated contiguously with each other (only the individual one-dimensional character arrays must be contiguous).

Write javascript code to display a list of strings?

You need to put the strings in an array, and then loop through the array to output the strings. Something like this would be a simple example: ---------------- var strings = ["s1","s2","s3"]; for ( var i in strings ) { document.write( strings[i] ); }