

Can heroin addiction ever be cured?

Updated: 11/29/2023
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13y ago

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yes but why would people have heeroin that is just dumb

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Q: Can heroin addiction ever be cured?
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Can addiction ever be cured?

yes but why would people have heeroin that is just dumb

What are some ways to prevent a heroin addiction?

The best way to avoid a heroine addiction is obviously not to ever start using the drug. Heroine is extremely addictive and is hard to not form an addiction to it once you have started.

Where can one join rehab for a heroin addiction?

There are a lot of ways in order for one to join rehab for a heroin addiction. However, one good way in order to join rehab for a heroin addiction is registering from the website drug free.

What is heroin originally designed for?

Pain. Nope, Bayer originally developed Heroin as a "nonaddictive" drug that Morphine addicts could be switched to so they could eventually be cured of their addiction. Unfortunately after a few years it was finally realized it was actually more addictive than Morphine.

Which of these is the best description of addiction?

Drug addiction is a behavioral disorder and can be cured with therapy

What tattoo would represent heroin addiction?

a needle?