

Can liquid particles change places

Updated: 11/5/2023
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Q: Can liquid particles change places
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Can particles in a liquid change places?

yes it can do you know how. how is because it is like,mass you know what mass is . its like all around you but yes liquid everywhere.

How particles change as they change state from solid to liquid?

if its going from a solid to a liquid the particles move FAST. if its going from a liquid to a solid the particles freeze and move VERY slowly.

What keeps particles together in a solid and liquid?

Solids do not flow. The particles in a solid cannot change places so a solid will keep its shape (unless it is broken).

When ice melts the particles of ice change into other types of particles?

When a solid is heated its particles melts and change into liquid

When ice melt the particles of ice change into other type of particles?

When a solid is heated its particles melts and change into liquid

What happens to the particles of matter during a chemical change?

it will change to liquid