

Can the moon orbit around the sun?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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The moon does orbit the Sun. Locked in orbit around the Earth, as the Earth orbits the Sun, the moon orbits the Sun.

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What causes the moon to orbit around the sun?

the moon doesent orbit the sun, the earth orbits the sun and the moon orbits the earth.

Does the moon orbits or circles the sun?

The Moon orbits the Sun. The gravitation of the Earth will provide slight disturbances to the Moon's orbit around the Sun, but mainly, the Moon moves around the Sun.The Moon orbits the Sun. The gravitation of the Earth will provide slight disturbances to the Moon's orbit around the Sun, but mainly, the Moon moves around the Sun.The Moon orbits the Sun. The gravitation of the Earth will provide slight disturbances to the Moon's orbit around the Sun, but mainly, the Moon moves around the Sun.The Moon orbits the Sun. The gravitation of the Earth will provide slight disturbances to the Moon's orbit around the Sun, but mainly, the Moon moves around the Sun.

Is the earths orbit around the sun a cause of the phases of the moon?

No. The moon's orbit around the earth is.

Is the moon's orbit the same as the earths orbit around the sun?

not quite. The moon circles the Earth, which circles the sun. So the moon's orbit around the sun isn't a smooth track, but consist of a wave like pattern.

Is the earth's natural satellite the sun?

no, the moon is the Earths natural satellite, the moon is in orbit around the Earth. The whole Earth/Moon system is then in orbit around the sun.

Does the earth orbit around the sun and moon?

No. The moon revolves around Earth, and Earth revolves around the sun.