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Yes, you can declare and define the constructor within a class. A constructor is a special member function of a class that is automatically called when an object of the class is created. It is used to initialize the object's data members. The constructor can be declared and defined within the class definition or can be defined outside the class definition using the scope resolution operator (::).

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Q: Can you declare and define the constructor within class?
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When do you get a default constructor When the class has no other constructors When you define at least one constructor When you define a class None of the above?


What does it mean in java when a constructor is undefined?

When a constructor is not define in java then the instance used in class is not optimised the value and therefore some times it generates some garbage value. By the way , When we not define a constructor then generally it not distrub the execution of the program.

Why do you need a constructor as a class member?

A constructor is not a mandatory member that we need to code specifically for a class. While creating a class, even if we miss out coding the constructor, Java would create a default constructor all by itself. The constructor is usually the place where we initialize things that are required by the class. Hence it is a good practice to code the constructor for our class. Tip: If you do not want anyone to instantiate your class, you can declare the constructor as private. In that way no other class can instantiate your class.

What is return data type?

A Constructor in java cannot have a return type. It always creates and returns an object of the class for which it is the constructor. You cannot return a value from a constructor explicitly and if you try to do that, the compiler will give an error. The system knows that the purpose of the constructor is to create an object of the class and it will do the same irrespective of whether you declare a return type or not.

Need of constructor in c plus plus?

There is no specific keyword for a constructor in C++. Simply define and declare a method of the class with the same name as the class and it will be a constructor. A constructor with no arguments is the default constructor, a constructor with one argument of class type is the copy constructor, and a constructor with one argument of some other type is the conversion constructor. You can provide other overloaded constructors if you want.

Related questions

Can you declare default constructor as private?

Yes, but that means you can't define an instance of the class without arguments to new.

When do you get a default constructor When the class has no other constructors When you define at least one constructor When you define a class None of the above?


Do you have to declare a constructor every time you create a class?

Yes, If you don't a default constructor will be created for you.

Can you define the constructor as private?

Yes, you can. Making a constructor private ensures that no other class can instantiate that class you just created with a private constructor. It is usually used in Singleton Patterns.

What does it mean in java when a constructor is undefined?

When a constructor is not define in java then the instance used in class is not optimised the value and therefore some times it generates some garbage value. By the way , When we not define a constructor then generally it not distrub the execution of the program.

Why do you need a constructor as a class member?

A constructor is not a mandatory member that we need to code specifically for a class. While creating a class, even if we miss out coding the constructor, Java would create a default constructor all by itself. The constructor is usually the place where we initialize things that are required by the class. Hence it is a good practice to code the constructor for our class. Tip: If you do not want anyone to instantiate your class, you can declare the constructor as private. In that way no other class can instantiate your class.