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ADH (Antidiuretic Hormone)

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Q: Changes in blood osmotic pressure would most affect the secretion of?
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Starvation causes the plasma protein levels in the blood plasme to fall how would that affect the formation of tissue fluid in the tissue spaces?

Starvation causes the plasma protein levels to decrease, and when there is less plasma protein in the blood, you get lower Po (Osmotic Pressure). Lower osmotic pressure means less pull (of tissue fluid) so this causes generalized basically, less plasma proteins -> decreased Po -> less pull -> reduced venous clearance --> fluid build up in tissue

Does change in air pressure affect eyesight?

I've often noticed that my distance vision is slightly blurred only during stormy weather. Could this be caused by low air pressure (it seems like pressure would be equalized within and -out the eyeball faster than the barometric pressure outside changes !?) or refractive index of the air?

How does groundwater depth and hydrostatic pressure gradient affect bacteria?

i have pressure right now

Can reflex neurogenic bladder result in an increase in blood pressure?

No evidence is available regarding changes in blood pressure directly due to the neurogenic bladder. However, a rise in blood pressure can occur indirectly if the cause is Spinal cord injury that also affect the kidneys. Kidneys would result in increase water and salt absorption causing indirect increase in blood pressure.

How would adding salt to the isotonic soulution above affect the cell?

Adding salt to the isotonic solution above would affect the cell by making it shrivel up, and possibly even die. this happens because by adding salt, you would make the cell hypotinic, which is uneven.