


Chemical Bonding

Questions about the various chemical bonds elements make in compounds.

500 Questions

Can molecular compounds have covalent bonds?

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Yes!!! The two most well known covalent compounds are water(H2O) and carbon dioxider (CO2). Yhere are many more covalent compounds.

Conversely the most well known ionic compound is sodium chloride ( common table salt).

Many substances have a mixture of covalent and ionic bonding. e.g. calcium carbonate. The calcium is ionically conded to the carbonate, but the bonds within the carbonate are covalent.

Is HC2H3O2 a base?

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'HC2H3O2' is a rather poor way of writing the formula for ethanoic(acetic) acid.

It is usually written as 'CH3COOH'.

What is the name of the ionic compound Cs2o?

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What is Cs2o . If you mean Cs2O, then the name is Caersium oxide.

NB For all chemical symbols.

#1 A one letter symbol is ALWAYS a CAPITAL letter, hence oxygen is 'O' . not 'o'.

#2 A two letter symbol is first letter a capital letter and the secons letter is always small/lower case. , caesium is 'Cs' as given.

What is the name of ionic compound NH4Cl?

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Ammonium chloride.

What is name an ionic compound?

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Here are a few names of Ionic Compounds;_

Sodium Chloride (NaCl)

Lithium fluoride (LiF)

Potassium bromide (KBr)

Rubidium Iodide ( RbI)

Calcium Oxide (CaO)

Magnesium sulphide (MgS)

This list in NOT exhaustive. There plenty more ionic compounds.

What is the bond in HCN between C-N?

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The bond between carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) in hydrogen cyanide (HCN) is a triple bond. This means that there are three pairs of electrons being shared between the C and N atoms, resulting in a strong and stable bond.

Is carbon dioxide ionic or molecular?

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Carbon dioxide is a covalent molecule.

What is the name of the compound CaCI2?

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I think you mean CaCl2 which is calcium chloride

What type of bond formed between hydrogen and argon?

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No bond is formed . Reason: Argon is a NOBLE(Inert) gas.

Why are ions held together in a ionic bond?

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Cations have a positive charge e.g. M^+

Anions have a negative charge e.g. X^-

Becausethey have opposite charges they are attracted to each other, by electrostatic force.

Ther analogy is two different magnets. The north pole of one magnet is attracted to the south pole of the other magnet.

However, the two north poles will repel as will the two south poles.

So a Cation M^+ will combine with an anion X^-

M^+ + X^- = MX .

Hover the charges MUST also baloance.

So a cation of M^(2+) will need two anions of X^-

M^(2+) + 2X^- = MX2

2M^+ + X^(2-) = M2X

What is the Melting point of ionic compounds?

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This is a phase change from solid to liquid which occurs at a fixed temperature when the ionic lattice breaks down. In general ionic compounds are high melting.

What bond type does polypropylene have?

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Covalent bonding.

Polypropylene is a polymer its structure is shown as

-[-CH(CH3)-CH2-]- n

It monmer is propene ( CH2=CH-CH3 )

One bond of the double bond breaks open and combines with another 'broken' propene double bond to becomes a larger chain . THe whole is covalently bonded throughout.

Is LiBr a covalent bond?

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It is an Ionic bond, similar to sodium chloride.

Is li2s ionic or molecular?

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What is 'li2s' .?

If you mean 'Li2S'. Then it is an ionic molecule.

Lithium atom form the lithium ion.

Li(s) = Li^(+) + e^-

Sulphur has electron affinity and forms the sulphide ion.

S(s) + 2e^(-) = S^(2-)

Since these two ions have opposite charge (+/-), they are attracted to each other like the North and South poles of a magnet.

Also the charges must balance . So you need 2 lithium ions (2Li^(+)) to give an overall positive charge of '2+'. to balance with the '2-' of the sulphide ion.

The two lithium ions are electrostatically attracted to the sulphide ion to form the molecule lithium sulphide.

Overall it is described as an ionic molecule.

The balanced equation is

2Li(+) + S^(2-) = Li2S.

NB . When writing chemical formula, a one letter symbol is ALWAYS a CAPITAL letter. A two letter symbol is ; first letter is a CAPITAL letter and the second letter is always small/lower. case.

So sulphur is 'S' not 's' and lithium is 'Li' not 'li'.

Hope that helps!!!!

What is Be3PO42?

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I think you have written the formula incorrectly. !!!

I think it should be


In which case it is beryllium phosphate.

As written 'Be3PO42' would indicate that there are '42' oxygens in the molecule. and only one phosphorus.

Brackets are used to indicate the phosphate anion. The '2' is used to inidicate that there are two phosphate anions.

Is ethyl alcohol an ionic or covalent bond?

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Covalent bond.

Ethyl alcohol is the archaic name for ethanol (CH3CH2OH)

This is the alcohol that is drunk by humans in alcoholic drinks.

What type of bond is RbCl?

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Ionic bond between Rb+ cation and Cl- anion.

How many covalent bonds are present in a single bond?

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A single bond has - by definition, only one covalent bond.

What is the chemical name for N2CL4?

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Di-nitrogen tetrachloride,. Cl2N-NCl2