



This category encompasses all questions about the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of matter.

500 Questions

Why do they seal tennis ball cans?

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They build the tennis ball around the air, really! Actually, the tennis ball is made in two halves and then heat wielded together to form the finished ball.

What makes graphite a useful dry lubricant?

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Asked by Wiki User

Graphite is a naturally occurring mineral that has many useful properties. It is a dry lubricant meaning it does not require any water or oil to lubricate surfaces. Graphite is useful as a dry lubricant because of its following properties:

  • It is non-reactive and chemically inert meaning it does not interact with other compounds and will not corrode or react with other surfaces.
  • It has a low coefficient of friction meaning that surfaces coated in graphite will slide against each other with minimal resistance.
  • It is electrically conductive meaning it can be used to dissipate static electricity.
  • It is thermally conductive meaning it can help dissipate heat from surfaces it coats.

These properties make graphite a useful dry lubricant in many applications such as in the manufacture of locks automotive parts and even as a coating for medical instruments.

What does carbon steel contain?

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What is malleable material?

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Is K3PO4 a strong or weak electrolyte?

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Tripotassium phosphate is a weak electrolyte.

What is volume made?

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Volume is the amount of space a substance or object occupies.

Is a piece of metal a physical change?

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Asked by Wiki User

I think dhatt the answer is a physical change because if you just bent it then surley you can unbent it and still have a piece of metal.

Who made answer?

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Jusin Crawford made who made

Does steam have definite volume?

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Asked by Wiki User

No. Steam is a gas, thus volume is a variable.

(It is often referred to as a vapor since it is usually near its liquid condition.)

What is uncharged?

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Asked by Wiki User

One where the number of protons (+) equal the number of electrons (-).

one were the proton cancels out the electrons Ex. -5 +5 makes 0 uncharged atoms

What does metallic form between?

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Metallic bonds are formed within metal atoms. It can be as nuclei in a pool of electrons. These free electrons are responsible for the electricity and heat conducting.

What kind of information does the activity series of metal give us?

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It compares how reactive the metals are

It predicts if one metal will replace another metal in a compound

What does the symbol F- is?

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Asked by Wiki User

The symbol F- is a symbol used to denote a particular type of fermion which is a particle that has an odd half-integer spin. F- particles have the following characteristics:

  • They are spin 1/2 particles
  • They have an electric charge of -1
  • They are fermions
  • They obey the Pauli exclusion principle
  • They are their own anti-particles

F- particles are important in particle physics and can be found in a variety of places including dark matter and quark-gluon plasmas.

What is effect of dilution on conductance?

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Asked by Wiki User

The conductance of a given conductor, C = La/l ..(i)

\ L = l/Ra ..(ii)

The resistance is expressed in units of ohm, the conductance has units of ohm-1 or mho.

The conductance of solutions is also governed by the same relations. From (i), if l = 1,

a = 1, the specific conductance L = C. That is,

the specific conductance (L) is the conductance of the solution enclosed between two electrodes of 1 sq. cm area and 1 cm apart. when you dilute the solution the concentration decrease and the specific conductance also decrease

The conductance of a solution depends upon the number of ions present and hence on the concentration. To compare the conductivity of different solutions, it is necessary to take the concentration of the solutions into consideration. It is done by using equivalent

conductance, l.

Is krypton a solid liquid or a gas at room temperature?

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I think it's a gas

What is mediating groups?

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Asked by Wiki User

a group of you, or your friends, or anyone, get together and stay in siilence listening to the outside. Music is preferably used in the backround, normally classical

Why is water cosidered to polar?

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Asked by Wiki User

Water is considered to be a polar molecule because of its molecular structure. It is composed of two hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to a single oxygen atom which gives it a bent molecular geometry. This shape creates an uneven distribution of electrons leaving one side of the molecule slightly more negative than the other. This uneven charge distribution creates a dipole moment making it a polar molecule with partial positive and partial negative charges.

The partial positive charge of the hydrogen atoms is attracted to the partial negative charge of the oxygen atom and vice versa. This creates a strong hydrogen bonding between the molecules making water a liquid at room temperature. These hydrogen bonds also create high surface tension in water allowing it to form droplets and hold its shape when held in the hand.

Can aluminum foil can conduct electricity?

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I tried using it on my secret invention called "the potato battery" and it powered my flashlight so yes it will

What is -NH2 functional group?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is the amino functional group


Can all liquids become a solid?

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Asked by Wiki User

Nope. There are some solids that go directly into the gas phase. Such a process is called sublimation.


No. Some solids chemically decompose when heated. You can't get liquid wood. Some solids turn directly into a gas when heated at standard atmospheric pressure. An example of this is dry ice.

I believe that some solids, do not ask me but this is a theory that I can't prove, but some solids have such a high melting point that if heated to its melting point the molicules will become so unstable that the solid would accualy blow up before the period of melting can occur. Although have fun trying to find something on earth that can reach that heat output. One example that comes to mind is diamond. I do not believe diamond has ever melted? Correct me if im wrong.