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No, a charged conductor is either at an abundance or lack of electrons. The moment an earth is provided, a discharge begins, which is current flowing.

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Q: Current is flowing through a conductor is it charged?
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We call this Conventional Current Flow, where imaginary positively charged particles are repelled away from a positive charge and attracted towards a negative charge.The reality is that electrons are actually flowing through the conductor. Electrons are negatively charged particles and flow from negative to positive. It's just easier to think of a positive current flowing than a negative current.

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-- A current flowing through a conductor creates a magnetic field around the conductor. -- Moving a conductor through a constant magnetic field creates a current in the conductor. -- If there's a conductor sitting motionless in a magnetic field, a current flows in the conductor whenever the strength or direction of the magnetic field changes.

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Usually resistance is encountered by electrons while flowing through a conductor.

What will only produce magnetism when current is flowing through it?

Any electrical conductor only will. Ah! You're fishing for "electromagnet".