not sure but i think that a halogen acid is an acid like HCl and an acid halide is like 1-chloro ethanoic acid
Water behaves as a base with the hydrogen halides due to the fact that when dissolved in water the hydrogen halide dissociates into its ions, and the water molecule acts as a proton acceptor (base) when it combines with the hydrogen ion to form hydronium (H3O+), and the halogen forms its negative halide ion. The following example shows the reaction between hydrogen chloride and water. HCl + H2O --> H+ + Cl- + H2O --> H3O+ + Cl−
Ions of the halogen group are called halide ions; their compounds are called halides.
An alkane. Hence the name alkyl. An alkane is a chain of carbon atoms bonded to each other with single bonds, with hydrogen atoms filling the remainder of the bonds. One hydrogen atom is replaced by a halogen to form an alkyl halide.
it is called a halide.
A halogen bulb is a traditional tungsten filament bulb filled with a noble gas that gives off a soft, yellowish light. In a metal halide bulb, the light emitted is bright white or even bluish. They have a longer life than halogen bulbs, but their brightness can diminish over time.
Iodine is a halogen, not a halide.
Water behaves as a base with the hydrogen halides due to the fact that when dissolved in water the hydrogen halide dissociates into its ions, and the water molecule acts as a proton acceptor (base) when it combines with the hydrogen ion to form hydronium (H3O+), and the halogen forms its negative halide ion. The following example shows the reaction between hydrogen chloride and water. HCl + H2O --> H+ + Cl- + H2O --> H3O+ + Cl−
This substance is called a halide.
This substance is called a halide.
Ions of the halogen group are called halide ions; their compounds are called halides.
An alkane. Hence the name alkyl. An alkane is a chain of carbon atoms bonded to each other with single bonds, with hydrogen atoms filling the remainder of the bonds. One hydrogen atom is replaced by a halogen to form an alkyl halide.