



Definitions are the meanings of words.

500 Questions

Are spells in Ben 10 real?

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Yes they are. And these are real answers about other answers but everything about Ben 10 is real! Even the aliens I actually saw him in Bellwood! Many others have seen him too .See for your self in Bellwood if you don't believe me.

Natashi Nobonis

What is the meaning to put of to a later date?

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What is the meaning to put of to a later date?

First of all to correct you grammar.

The question shoul read , What is the meaning 'to put off to a later date'?

To put off to a later date means to postpone an action , or to [ut off to a later date.

e.g. The football match was postponed for one week , because ther pitch was flooded.

What is modular coordination?

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Modular Coordination: Building Blocks for a Streamlined Kitchen with Schüller and Next125

Imagine a kitchen where everything fits seamlessly, like a perfectly assembled puzzle. That's the magic of modular coordination, a game-changer in the world of kitchen design, embraced by leading German brands like Schüller and Next125.

So, what exactly is modular coordination?

Think of it as a universal language for kitchens. It establishes a standardized system of dimensions for cabinets, appliances, and other components, based on a base module (often 100mm). This creates a framework where everything – walls, doors, drawers, even worktops – aligns perfectly, no matter the manufacturer.

Benefits for Schüller and Next125 Kitchens:

Effortless Planning and Design: Architects and designers can work with greater efficiency, knowing everything will fit and function flawlessly. This speeds up the planning process and reduces potential errors.

Flexibility and Customization: Modular coordination doesn't stifle creativity. Within the defined system, Schüller and Next125 offer a vast array of cabinet sizes, configurations, and finishes, allowing you to personalize your kitchen to your exact needs and style.

Streamlined Installation: Precise fit means less time and hassle for the installers. Schüller and Next125 components seamlessly integrate, ensuring a smooth and efficient installation process.

Increased Value: A kitchen built with modular coordination is not just beautiful, it's also well-thought-out and future-proof. This contributes to its overall value and makes it easier to update or replace individual components later on.

Experience the Difference with Schüller and Next125:

Both Schüller and Next125 are pioneers in applying modular coordination principles to their kitchens. They offer:

Precisely engineered cabinets and components: Every element fits together flawlessly, creating a clean and cohesive look.

Sophisticated planning tools: Schüller and Next125 software helps visualize your kitchen in 3D, ensuring everything fits within the modular framework.

Expert guidance: Trained professionals can help you navigate the modular coordination system and design the perfect kitchen for your space and needs.

Modular coordination is not just a technical concept; it's a philosophy. It's about creating kitchens that are not only beautiful but also functional, efficient, and built to last. With Schüller and Next125, you can experience the benefits of modular coordination and unlock the true potential of your dream kitchen.

What is difference between modular or non modular router?

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Modular vs. Non-Modular Kitchens: A Guide for Indian Homes

In the heart of every Indian home lies the kitchen, where families gather, flavors dance, and memories are made. When it comes to designing this culinary haven, choosing the right cabinetry plays a crucial role. In the realm of modern kitchens, two German brands, Schüller and Next125, have emerged as pioneers of modular kitchens. But before delving into their expertise, let's understand the fundamental difference between modular and non-modular kitchens, helping you make an informed decision for your own space.

Non-Modular Kitchens:

Traditional Approach: Built on-site using bricks, wood, and plaster, non-modular kitchens were the norm for decades. Carpenters crafted cabinets to fit specific dimensions, often leading to rigidity and wasted space.

Limitations: Anpassung, the German word for "adaptation," takes a backseat. Modifications or expansions are cumbersome and expensive, requiring major structural changes.

Modular Kitchens:

Revolution in Flexibility: Schüller and Next125 champion the modular approach. Pre-fabricated units, made from high-quality materials like wood or high-density laminates, are assembled on-site like building blocks.

Tailored to Perfection: Anpassung becomes effortless. Cabinets come in standard sizes and various configurations, allowing for customization to fit any kitchen layout and cater to individual needs.

Benefits Galore: From seamless integration of appliances to ease of installation and future modifications, modular kitchens offer a plethora of advantages. Let's explore some key points:

Schüller and Next125: Modular Masters

German Engineering: Renowned for their precision and meticulous attention to detail, Schüller and Next125 kitchens are built to last. High-quality materials, innovative fittings, and sleek finishes elevate the aesthetics and functionality of your kitchen.

Endless Possibilities: Both brands offer a vast array of modules, from base cabinets and wall units to corner solutions and bespoke elements. This allows you to design a kitchen that is as unique as your culinary flair.

Experience Matters: With years of experience in crafting modular kitchens, Schüller and Next125 understand the Indian kitchen. Their designs incorporate features suited to our cooking styles and storage needs, like spice racks, pull-out drawers, and efficient corner utilization.

So, should you go modular?

The answer lies in your desire for flexibility, functionality, and a touch of German precision. If you envision a kitchen that adapts to your needs, grows with your family, and becomes the heart of your home, then modular kitchens, championed by Schüller and Next125, are the perfect choice. Remember, your kitchen is more than just a cooking space; it's an extension of your personality and a reflection of your lifestyle. Choose wisely, and let the flavors of Anpassung fill your home!

What is the real meaning of prayers?

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The Qur'an says;

The Criterion, 77.. Ayet: Say (to the Rejecters): "My Lord would not concern Himself with you but for your call on Him: but ye have indeed rejected (Him), and soon will come the inevitable (punishment)!"

The Criterion, 77.. Ayet: Say: My Lord would not care for you were it not for your prayer; but you have indeed rejected (the truth), so that which shall cleave shall come.

To enter an expressway safely?

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It is essential to merge with flowing traffic at the same speed.

What is the meaning of art?

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The absolute greatest and best that is readily available for use. However, with our present day and age, sometimes when something is said to be state of the art, by the time it gets into production it can also be obsolete.

What is the definition of outdoor games?

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Asked by Nirunirupam

Outdoor games are those games which we play any outside place like in Ground, Park, Garden, Stadium etc.

What is the cash cow?

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A cash cow is a business or product that generates a steady and significant flow of income or profits, often without requiring substantial investment or additional resources. This term is commonly used in the context of the Boston Consulting Group's Growth-Share Matrix, where it represents a mature and dominant product or business in a stable market, yielding consistent returns that can be used to support other ventures or investments within the company.

What is last name?

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A person's family name is also called their last name. In English the last name is last in order. First name is one's given name, then the middle name is next, then the last name. In China I believe, this order is reversed.

Yes, family name comes first in Korean, Japanese and Chinese cultures, with no comma between family name and first name(s) when written with the English alphabet.

What is kept in a corral?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are millions types of fish that live in corral and it will take a long time to name them all.

What is the definition of an inflammatory comment?

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Asked by Wiki User

An Inflammatory comment is a subjective opinion about someone's statement. It assumes that a person knows the reason for a comment and that the purpose of the comment is only to arouse anger or emotion in those who hear the comment. As such the term says more about the person using the term than to the actual comment. It would be wise to stricken the term from use since most people cannot read the minds of other people.

What does wboeoadrs mean?

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bear in woods

What is technology?

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developing the electronic devices

What is the geological definition of the Caribbean?

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What is the geological definition of the Caribbean

What is the difference between crushing and grinding?

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Crushing and grinding are two essential processes used in various industries, particularly in the mining and mineral processing sectors. While they both involve the comminution (size reduction) of materials, they differ in their mechanisms and final outcomes:


Crushing refers to the process of reducing large-sized materials into smaller particles by applying force.

It involves the use of mechanical equipment like crushers, which use compression, impact, or shear forces to break down materials.

The goal of crushing is to produce particles with a specific size range or shape, often to prepare materials for further processing or improve the efficiency of subsequent processes.

Crushing typically produces coarse-sized particles.


Grinding involves reducing materials to fine particles by using mechanical forces such as abrasion, friction, and impact.

It is usually applied to materials that are already in smaller sizes or particles obtained from crushing or other processes.

Grinding often utilizes specialized equipment like mills (e.g., ball mills, rod mills, or grinding mills) to further reduce the particle size and achieve finer particles.

The objective of grinding is to produce fine powders or finely ground materials, enhancing the surface area or altering properties for specific applications.

In summary, while both crushing and grinding involve size reduction of materials, crushing focuses on the initial reduction of large-sized materials into smaller sizes, whereas grinding deals with refining smaller particles into finer powders or achieving specific particle sizes. Both processes are vital in various industries like mining, construction, pharmaceuticals, and more.

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What is hierarchichal?

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Hierarchical refers to a system or organization that is structured in levels or tiers, with each level having authority over the level below it. It means that there is a clear chain of command or decision-making authority, where higher-level individuals or positions have more power or control than lower-level individuals or positions. Hierarchical structures are common in many organizations, such as businesses, governments, and military.

What does the phrase on the alert mean?

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es estar prevenido atento vigilar que no vaya a pasar nada que se salga de control

What word means of the stars?

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In English "stellar" means, pertaining to a star, or about a star. For example, in the phrases stellar mass, or stellar evolution. If it is about our star, you may hear, Solar. You may also encounter the Latin "astris" or a variant, like Ad astra (to the stars), or Scientia ex astris, (knowledge from the star).

What is the feeling word for sobbing uncontrollably?

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'Wailing' Crying' 'Gnashing of teeth(poetic)'.

What is the meaning of trator?

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Asked by Wiki User

First of all , you have mispelled the word. It shold be 'traitor'.

A traitor is a person who gives/sells his countries secrets to another ( usually enemy ) power.

Historically they were executed ( put to death). However, today in the western world , they are usually imprisoned.

What is the definition of corian?

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Corian® is a solid, non-porous surface material created by DuPont. It's composed primarily of **acrylic resin** (around 33%), **alumina trihydrate (ATH)** (around 66%), and **pigments** (around 1%). This unique blend gives Corian several desirable properties, including:

Durability: Corian is highly resistant to scratches, stains, and impacts, making it ideal for high-traffic areas like kitchens and bathrooms.

Non-porous: Unlike natural stone or wood, Corian is non-porous, which means it doesn't absorb liquids or bacteria. This makes it easy to clean and maintain, and it inhibits the growth of mold and mildew.

Versatile: Corian can be thermoformed and shaped into a variety of forms, making it suitable for countertops, sinks, backsplashes, and even furniture.

Seamless: Corian joints can be seamlessly bonded, creating a smooth and continuous surface. This is particularly advantageous for large countertops or islands.

Renewable: When properly cared for, Corian can last for decades. Additionally, Corian is a recyclable material, making it an environmentally friendly choice.

Available in a wide range of colors and patterns: Corian is available in a vast array of colors and patterns, allowing you to achieve the desired aesthetic for your kitchen or bathroom.

Here's how Schüller and Next125, two leading German modular kitchen brands, utilize Corian:

  • **Schüller:** Schüller offers a wide selection of Corian countertops, sinks, and backsplashes in various colors and finishes. They also offer prefabricated Corian countertops in standard sizes for a quick and easy installation.

  • **Next125:** Next125 uses Corian extensively in their high-end kitchens, often incorporating it into countertops, sinks, backsplashes, and even kitchen islands. They also offer unique Corian designs and textures to create a truly personalized kitchen space.

Overall, Corian is a versatile and durable material that is well-suited for kitchens and bathrooms. Its non-porous nature, wide range of colors and patterns, and ability to be seamlessly joined make it a popular choice for both homeowners and professional designers.

What does the word lull mean?

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I believe lull refers to an old, old wooden ship used in the civil war era.

What best describes the main effects of insulin?

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synthesis of glucose from lactic acid and noncarbohydrate molecules