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Just for your information: There is no such thing as the Roman Catholic Church. That is a term developed by the Protestant Church of England meant to denigrate the Catholic Church. There is just the Catholic Church and all those other non-Catholic religions.

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Q: Did Saint Catherine of Siena become a Doctor of the Roman Catholic Church?
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When did Saint Leo become doctor of the church?

Pope Saint Leo I (the Great) was promoted to Doctor of the Church in 1754.

Are women allowed to receive Holy Orders?

No, in the Catholic Church (or Orthodox Church) women are not allowed to receive Holy Orders. A woman can become a nun but that is not Holy Orders. The only positions of the Church that are received through Holy Orders are deacon, priest and bishop.

How did religion become more diverse?

Well, as for Christianity in Europe, the Christian church was the Catholic church. The first split happened in the 16th century when King Henry VIII wanted a divorce but the Catholic church did not allow divorces. So King Henry started the Church of England, the first protestant church. This led to the Protestant Reformation. This led to other church reformations in other European countries. Martin Luther of Germany began the Lutheran church after he posted The 95-Theses on the door of Castle Church. The Anabaptists and Calvinist were some of the other reforms. The Puritan movement was the Counter-Reformation of The Church of England. The Puritans sailed to New England to establish colonies as an escape from religious persecution in England. These are just a few of the reformations that took place in Europe. There were also some countries that chose to stay Catholic such as Spain. Hope this was a good start for you and hope it helps! =]

Why did St. Francis of Assisi become Catholic?

Francis was born into a devout Catholic family and was baptized soon after his birth as a Catholic.

When did St. Thomas Aquinas become a saint?

St. Thomas was one of the greatest and most influential theologians of all time. He was canonized in 1323 and declared Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius V.