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A bare conductor is a conductor that does not have any type of insulation covering it. Insulated conductors (also known as coated) have a covering that protects them from outside sources.

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Q: Difference between a bare conductor and a insulated conductor?
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In an electromagnet why is it a good idea to use insulated wire?

Because bare wire would short out as the wires are touching each other.

How do you contain electricity?

There are several ways to "contain" electricity: 1. In a capacitor. A capacitor is a device which can store ("contain") a static electrical charge as potential energy in an electric field. 2. In a battery. A battery is a device which can store ("contain") electrical energy in the form of potential chemical energy either as a result of the original manufacturing process or by reversable means as in a rechargable battery. 3. In an insulated conductor (a wire). An insulated conductor, including a bare conductor in air, gas, or vacuum, contains electricity in the sense that it restricts it to flowing within the conductor only and not "escaping" elsewhere. Some other ways of "containing" electricity essentially constitute capacitors, such as a storm cloud capable of producing lightning. It's a stretch, but one might also consider a generator to "contain" electricity. In any case, be careful!

The primary reason a bird can perch harmlessly on bare high voltage wires is that?

There is no danger in coming in contact with high voltage. The danger ensues when you're also in contact with a much different voltage at the same time. The difference in voltage between two points causes a current through your body, and that current is what plays havoc with your nervous system and muscles. Linemen working in a "cherry-picker" bucket truck actually connect themselves to the line they're working on, the truck is kept insulated from the ground, warning cones are set up around the truck, and nobody touches the truck while it's clamped to the line. A bird can perch harmlessly on a bare high-voltage line because he's not touching anything else at the same time.

Why does a carpeted floor feel different to your bare feel than a bare floor feels on a cold morning?

Heat is transferred from the soles of your feet to a cold floor, by conduction. A rug forms an insulating layer, so the temperature of the top surface of the rug will be much nearer your skin temperature. The temperature drop will be through the rug instead of the layers of your skin.

What is a suitable material for the core of an electromagnet?

A coil of something conductive to produce the electromagnetic field is the bare minimum. Most electromagnets also have a ferrous metal (which is magnetized in turn) core or housing as well.