

Do trampolines work underwater

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Q: Do trampolines work underwater
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Do lasers work underwater?

yes very well actually

What are 3 underwater names that can cause tsunamis?

Underwater landslides, Underwater volcanic eruptions, and Underwater earthquakes

What is the oxidizer component of a fuel-air explosive?

The oxygen in the air that the fuel is dispersed through. An FAE does not work underwater.

Where are trampolines produced?

depends on the brand but like most things these days I would say china.

What do underwater volcanic eruptions cause?

Underwater eruptions cause tsunamis and cause lava to form and underwater ridge.

Related questions

Do water trampolines actually work like regular trampolines?

Yes, water trampolines do work like regular trampolines. However, they lose substantial bounce due to being on an inflated island on the water. You can get a visual of how much bounce you get out of one here: Water bouncers have even less bounce. However, both water trampolines and water bouncers are extremely fun. Especially if you add accessories to them such as a blast bag. You'll be on the water for hours!

What is the name for archaeologists who work underwater?

Archaeologists who work underwater are known as underwater archaeologists.

Can I work out on a trampoline as a bodybuilder?

Trampolines are a very good workout for bodybuilders, but aren't the best workout. While they are good help to getting muscles, trampolines alone wont make you ripped, it will take a lot more work.

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Do they make non inflatable water trampolines?

No, non inflatable water trampolines do not exist. Water trampolines need the air for buoyancy.

Does band trampolines or spring trampolines go higher?

i think both