

Does concrete absorbe water

Updated: 10/27/2023
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12y ago

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Concrete naturally absorbs moisture. Within the mix designs of the concrete it will have local aggregate for that areas Humidity level. For instance, aggregate found in Alabama is not a good for Maine. I may retain more moisture than normal for that area and cause it it crack.

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Q: Does concrete absorbe water
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What is the effect of hydration on strength of a concrete?

Excess water (over hydration) causes weak concrete. The water in concrete is there to start a chemical process which results in the hardening process. The excess water is not used in the chemical process and results in a weakened concrete.

Is wet concrete heavier then dry concrete?

Concrete is made of a mixture of cement, aggregate (small stones), fine aggregate (sand), water and other chemical additives. When mixed the wet concrete will remain so for Most people assume that set concrete has no water in it, this is not so, as the water content helps bond the aggregates and cement, this process is known as Hydration. Concrete with no water in it would crumble to dust. Adding more water to the mix will make a concrete that is easier to work, while less water will produce a stronger, more durable concrete. After initial setting of the concrete, a slow amount of water loss is expected due to the concrete drying, it can take anything up to a year for water to stop evaporating slowly out of the concrete. So for this reason the answer to your question is yes, dry, set concrete will weigh less than wet concrete, but for anything up to a year it will keep getting lighter, due to waterloss.

Will Water damage concrete?

Not generally. If the concrete has a sealent on it no, but if you have a massive amount of water on unsealed concrete, the concrete will absorb the water and can make it swell and possibly crack. Answer The answer given above is totally incorrect. As far as only concrete is concerned i.e. plain concrete, the effect of water seepage is very little (depending upon the grade of concrete) whereas for RCC (reinforced cement concrete) water that seeps in corrodes the reinforcement and thus reduces the life of the structure. The defects that water seepage induces in concrete are as follows: 1) induces capillary formation (due tothe detiorating characteristics of water) 2) With this capillaries the concrete starts spalling out i.e the places where capillaries are formed, with even slight amount of stress that portion comes out and exposes the steel to the atmosphere 3) Concrete has a pH of about 12 -13. Thus it also reduces the pH of the concrete when salty water or when the concrete is exposed to marshy areas. 4) Reduces the overall strength of concrete 5) Reduces durability 6) Reduces permeabitlity to further water seepage 7) Results in ageing of structures

How can prevent water leak on a concrete roof?

You have a major problem. concrete is not water proof (liquid or vapor)or really even water resistent. If you look at a concrete pool or tank, a thin plaster coating provides the water proof layer - not the concrete. Your best bet is to remove the concrete, lay down a real water proof layer and reinstall the concrete. You can put so called water proof paints/materials on the cement, but they will only last a few years. In the mean time, you will have completely rotted the wood framing that supports the concrete slab.

How is concrete made from cement?

Concrete is to bread as cement is to flour. Concrete is a mixture of sand, gravel, cement, and water.

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