

Does dark matter or dark energy exist?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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9y ago

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No, darkness does not exist. It is just the absence of light.

Actually, I would argue that darkness DOES exist, although not in any material form, just as light exists, but not in any tangible way. If you turn out the light in a room, then you are surrounded in darkness; it is actually real for you, as in, something you must deal with in a practical way (you need to see to live) and so, does exist. As opposed to an imaginary friend, say, which does not have any physical effect on you, in the real world, as the absence of light does.

No, darkness does not exist. It is the absence of light. Darkness can`t be measured Light can be measured and broken down. The Law of Physics.

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11y ago
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11y ago

With our present understanding of dark matter -- ie, we don't exactly what it is -- we would have no way of knowing how much dark matter exists within the confines of our planet. Because dark matter has (by definition) almost no interaction with the stuff our Earth is made of, we can't detect its presence here. If and when we find out what the stuff is, we can then make a reasonable determination of how much is here on our planet.

Well dark matter is what cause our fabric of space time that cause gravitational pull of our earth eventually dark matter is everything!!

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9y ago

Dark matter does. Dark matter is a strange thing that can only be detected by watching how light travels to us from distant stars. Light will navigate around dark matter to reach its destination. Dark matter is also how galaxies stay stable.

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12y ago

There isn't even general agreement on exactly what dark matter is. Some of the proposed candidates are known particles that have been produced in experiments, while others are hypothetical particles that haven't... or at least, if they have been, they haven't been recognized and identified.

One candidate for dark matter is neutrinos. Neutrinos are produced in a lot of nuclear reactions.

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11y ago

Yes they do exists, but they are invisible. however it got gravity.

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Is the universe matter?

The Universe contains matter, energy, dark matter, dark energy, empty space - and of course, lots of structures made up of those.The Universe contains matter, energy, dark matter, dark energy, empty space - and of course, lots of structures made up of those.The Universe contains matter, energy, dark matter, dark energy, empty space - and of course, lots of structures made up of those.The Universe contains matter, energy, dark matter, dark energy, empty space - and of course, lots of structures made up of those.

Dark matter is inferred to exist because?

we can observe its gravitational influence on visible matter.

What is the opposite of Dark Energy?

There is no opposite of dark energy in the sense that there exists something that is the exact opposite of dark energy. Dark energy speeds the rate of expansion of space, even empty space, and gravity, mass, or matter causes the opposite in that it causes a decrease in the rate of expansion of space in areas that have matter.

Why do two dark matter particles collide?

Not much is known about dark matter. It is fairly certain that it does exist, but not much more is known. Thus, any ideas on what would happen when two dark matter particles meet seem very speculative.

What is it about dark matter that has scientists saying that eighty five percent of the universe is missing?

Try not to confuse two things that have nothing in common other than their present description having the word "dark" in it. Dark matter is SOME type of matter that interacts with othe matter via gravity, but is not visible to us. It appears to some type of matter that does not interact at all, other than via gravity. What is it? We don't know -- hence the name "dark" matter. Based on the observation of its effect on rotations in galaxies and the bending of light from distant sources, we estimate there is five times more mass in our Universe that is composed of dark matter than the stuff we understand -- stuff we call "baryonic matter" or "luminous matter." Where dark matter exerts a gravitational pull, tending to bring galaxies closer together (or at least slow down the rate at which they are apart from each other), dark ENERGY is something that tends to make galaxies become further apart from each. As best we can tell, it is an inherent proper of empty space itself -- ie, whatever dark energy happens to be, it would exist even where there was no matter whatsoever. Based on the measured ability of dark energy (what EVER it happens to be -- never forget we have NO idea what this stuff even IS) to make entire galaxies move apart from each other, we estimate that the amount of energy in the Universe that is "dark" is much greater than the amount of all other energy -- and that includes all of the mass that is in dark matter! As the pie chart below shows, about 74% of the energy of the Universe is in dark energy, about 22% is the mass in dark matter, about 3.6% is in the mass of gas between galaxies, and a measly 0.4% is in the mass of stars in galaxies. This means we understand only about 5% of our Universe!

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Do scientist think that dark matter and dark energy exist?

Yes, they do.

Why dark energy and matter does not obey standard physics and chemistry?

Standard physics and chemistry are based on the energy and matter that we know. We do not know much about dark energy or dark matter, but only that it may exist.

What have Astronomers have been unable to prove that what exist?

'Dark matter' and 'dark energy' have not been observed or proven yet.

Is it true that most of the both the mass and energy in the universe may take forms that you are unable to detect directly?

Yes, that's quite true! For more information, read sources such as Wikipedia on "dark matter" and "dark energy". Current estimates are that something around 68% of the mass-energy in the Universe is in the form of dark energy; 27% is in the form of dark matter; and about 5% matter of known types. Nobody really knows much about "dark energy" or "dark matter" - only that they exist.

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Roughly 70% of the Universe is dark energy. Dark matter makes up about 25%. The rest, everything on Earth, everything ever observed with all of our instruments, all normal matter - adds up to less than 5% of the Universe. That is, with the knowledge and the proof that both dark energy and dark matter exist rather than inferences.

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The Universe contains matter, energy, dark matter, dark energy, empty space - and of course, lots of structures made up of those.The Universe contains matter, energy, dark matter, dark energy, empty space - and of course, lots of structures made up of those.The Universe contains matter, energy, dark matter, dark energy, empty space - and of course, lots of structures made up of those.The Universe contains matter, energy, dark matter, dark energy, empty space - and of course, lots of structures made up of those.