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The earth moves around the sun in a elliptical orbit.

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Q: Does earth move around the sun in an orbit or an eliptical orbit?
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What is the speed of a satellite that moves in an eliptical orbit around the earth?

If a satellite is in an elliptical orbit around the Earth, the Earth will be at one of the focii. The speed of the satellite will then constantly be changing. It will move the fastest when it is nearest to the Earth (perigee) and slowest when it is furthest away (apogee).

How does the sun moon stars earth moon move during day?

Earth rotates on its axis The moon orbits the Earth The sun IS a star so stars move the same way Earth takes a year to orbit the sun Moon takes a month to orbit the earth Earth takes a day to orbit around its axis The Sun does NOT move

Has the moon gone closer to the earth?

Well yes and no. The moon is in an eliptical (not round, more oblong) orbit around the earth. So every 18 to 20 years it is at it's closest point to earth and then begins to move farther away as it travel through it's orbit. We just saw the closest point to earth and now it will mov e away alittle more each day until it begins to start moving closer again.

How does the earth sun and moon move around each other?

The sun does not orbit or move around the Earth and moon because the Earth has to orbit the sun while the moon orbits the earth.

Does the earth move around the sun the moon or mars?

The earth moves around the sun it is yearly orbit of the sun. The earth and the moon actually move around each other, since they both orbit what is called the 'barycenter', the center of gravity of the earth-moon system. The barycenter is beneath the earth's surface, and moves in such a way that it is always in line with the moon's center of gravity and the earth's. This gives earth a slight wobble in its yearly orbit of the sun. The earth does not move around Mars.

Related questions

What is the speed of a satellite that moves in an eliptical orbit around the earth?

If a satellite is in an elliptical orbit around the Earth, the Earth will be at one of the focii. The speed of the satellite will then constantly be changing. It will move the fastest when it is nearest to the Earth (perigee) and slowest when it is furthest away (apogee).

How is Earth's orbit around the sun similar to the orbits of other planets around the sun?

all orbit according to the sun's gravity- if there was none they would all move in a pretty straight line instead of an orbit Answer: All planets follow eliptical orbits around the sun, and all move in the same direction around the sun.

Why was the moon the largest in history a couple of days ago Why not today or tomorrow?

because the moon is in an eliptical orbit and the distance from earth changes as it moves through its orbit. Right now it is as close to the earth as it has been in the last 18 years. The day before yesterday was when it's orbit started to move away from earth again.

How does Earth move around in the solar system?

It has an elliptical orbit around the Sun.

What is the name for all the moons that move around earth?

There is only one moon in orbit around the Earth. We call it the Moon.

How does the sun moon stars earth moon move during day?

Earth rotates on its axis The moon orbits the Earth The sun IS a star so stars move the same way Earth takes a year to orbit the sun Moon takes a month to orbit the earth Earth takes a day to orbit around its axis The Sun does NOT move