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Yes, social workers can experience secondary trauma stress. They often work with individuals who have experienced trauma and this can have an emotional impact on the social worker. It is important for social workers to practice self-care and seek support to manage and mitigate the effects of secondary trauma stress.

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6y ago

Social workers can, like people in many professions that deal with the trauma of others, experience secondary Traumatic Stress Disorder, also known as compassion fatigue. This is the gradual lessening of compassion that is often seen in medical professionals, first responders, therapists, teachers, and activists. It can cause hopelessness, increased stress and anxiety, nightmares, inability to focus, and self-doubt, and is many ways looks like PTSD.

You can see more about Secondary Traumatic Stress at my blog (I am currently doing a series on self-care for activists that would also be helpful for social workers). blanketfortresista DOT wixsite DOT com/website/single-post/2017/05/03/PTSD-Compassion-Fatigue-and-Constant-Stree

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