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The high heels will exert more pressure per unit area (per square inch, per square centimeter, etc.), because they distribute the weight over a smaller area of contact.

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Q: Does someone wearing high heels exert more pressure then someone wearing Wellington boots?
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Who exerts more pressure on the ground -a kg women standing in high heels or a kg women standing in work boots?

High heels. The downward force in both cases is the weight of the woman. However, in high heels, the force acts on a relatively small area whereas with work boots the area is larger. As a result, the pressure is greater with high heels.Estimates suggest that a woman of average average mass, wearing stiletto heels with an area of 1 cm^2, will exert more than 10 times the pressure exerted by a 4 ton elephant standing on one foot.

Who exerts more pressure on the ground a 50kg woman standing in high heels or a 50kg woman standing in work boots?

heels bc everything is going into this one little heel but your boots support everything

Who exerts more pressure on the ground a 50 kg woman standing in high heels or a 50 kg woman standing on work boots?

I would think that the woman in high heels would exert more pressure per square inch. All that 50 kg of weight is concentrated onto the small heels of the high heels, whereas with the boots it's spread out around the area of the boots, which significantly lowers the pressure. Put another way, if you go out and try to walk on extremely crunchy snow with the boots, they act like a pair of liferafts on water, in a sense, or at least for a second or two. With the heels, they sink right through the snow.

Who exerts more pressure on the ground a 50 kg woman standing in high heels or a 50 kg woman standing in work boots?

I would think that the woman in high heels would exert more pressure per square inch. All that 50 kg of weight is concentrated onto the small heels of the high heels, whereas with the boots it's spread out around the area of the boots, which significantly lowers the pressure. Put another way, if you go out and try to walk on extremely crunchy snow with the boots, they act like a pair of liferafts on water, in a sense, or at least for a second or two. With the heels, they sink right through the snow.

Who exerts more pressure on the ground a 500N woman standing in 0.005m high heels or a 500N woman standing in 0.05m work boots?

a women who wears a 500n while standing in 0.5m work boots.

Related questions

Where might someone find discounts on Hunter Wellington boots?

One can find discounts on Hunter Wellington boots from the 'Welly Warehouse' website where they have 20% off on some boots. One can also find discounts on Amazon.

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Wellington boots.

Where can someone buy ladies Wellington boots?

Ladies Wellington-style boots should be available at most shoe stores. Barratts in the United Kingdom certainly stock them, as does the WellieBoots online store.

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