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Due to the differentiating masses of each Planet, and their gravitational pull, you may gain weight or lose weight on different planets. The more the planet weighs, the higher the gravitational pull, the more you will weigh. The less the planet weighs, the less the gravitational pull, the less you will weigh when on that planet.

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12y ago
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8y ago

Mass is the amount of matter in an object. Weight depends on gravity because weight is the amount of gravitational force exerted on an object. Mass does not depend or even relate to gravity, so mass does not change. Though mass is related to weight, because the more mass, the more gravitational pull. Mass does not change, however, because particles do not come and go from a cube when gravity changes in certain areas.
This is the case since the wight of an object is the force of attraction exerted on that object by the planet. Since different planets have different levels of gravitational attraction, the weight will change. On another note, the Mass of the object will be the same on all planets since the Mass is a measure of how much "stuff" makes up the object.

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12y ago


No. Your MASS is the same everywhere in the universe. On the other hand, your WEIGHT varies depending on the gravity stream/system in which you find yourself, how large it is, and your distance from its nexus. Gravity shares the "drops off with the square of the distance" feature with radiation phenomena. There is a distance from the center of Jupiter (2.54 x Earth gravity) where the pull of gravity is the same as on the surface of Earth. Contemporary physicists suspect that gravity is a radiation phenomenon. Some have had success countering gravity with electromagnetic technology. Below is a site you should see regarding gravity and electromagnetic radiation.

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13y ago

yes,the weight changes the gravity can be weaker or stronger on other planets depending on this gravitational strength, the object is lighter or heavier

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15y ago


The mass remains the same, but the weight varies with the gravitational field.

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12y ago

your mass is the same, but your weight depends on gravity.

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7y ago

No. Mass stays the same but weight changes depending on the strength of gravity.

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10y ago


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3y ago

You should search on Google,may be that would help you.

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Q: Does weight change on different planets?
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Why do forces change on different planets and moons?

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What force makes your weight change on planets?

The pull of gravity. Gravity is different on every planet so, it causes your weight to fluctuate.

Why would you wigh differently on different planets?

Different mass means different gravity meaning your weight would change. For example divide your weight by six-that's what you would weigh on the Moon.

Why is weight different on different planets and the moon?

Some planets have less gravity or more gravity.More gravity giving you more weight and less giving you less weight.

Is mass the same where you go?

an objects mass is always the same but the weight can change because on different planets, the gravitational pull is different. so, yes