



This category is a discussion of the environment in which animals, plants, and microorganisms live, how they interact with each other and what the impact of various living entities have on the environment can be found in this section.

500 Questions

Is sodhi community is jatt community?

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Asked by Wiki User

ya sodhi r jatt

What is the end product of succession called?

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Asked by Wiki User

The end product of succession is called the

Is acid rain harmful?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes acid rain is Harmful not more but it affect your body texture actually when first start it mixed acid present in our environment so when acid + rain = acidrain.

How do wholesalers assist producers?

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Asked by EncofBizandFinance

Wholesalers can promote manufacturers' products through extensive sales channels and customer networks. They can increase product visibility through promotional activities, advertising, and participation in industry exhibitions. FashionTIY is a clothing wholesaler, which helps reduce the inventory burden on manufacturers, allowing them to focus more on production and improve production efficiency.

Is a whale an biotic or abiotic?

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Asked by Wiki User

Whales are biotic factors.

How is ecosystem disturbed?

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Asked by Wiki User

Disturbances can be natural or human-induced. Ecosystem disturbances can have both short-term and long-term effects. Some disturbance or changes occur due to natural ecological processes while others, particularly those driven by human activities. Managing these disturbances are crucial for the conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems. Examples of disturbance include fires, storms, diseases, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, contaminant spills, land clearing and dredging among many others which can majorly impact economic , population, climate change and many more.

Is aloe a decomposer?

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Asked by Wiki User

Elodea are producers becausethey are plants

Is lichen a producer or decomposer?

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Asked by Wiki User

Though it might seem odd, lichens are actually both producers and decomposers.

What role does the squid play in the ocean ecosystem?

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Asked by Wiki User

The squid is very important to the ocean ecosystem, serving as both predator and prey. As predators, they help keep the population of their prey in check. As prey, they serve as important food sources for sperm whales and some other predators.

Is a metal ruler biotic?

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What are some common biotic factors in the rainforest?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some biotic factors of the topical rain forest would be components such as what LIVING things or organisms surround it or border it.

(ex. leaves, fruit, vegetation, trees.)

-hope this helped!

Is corpse biotic or abiotic?

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Asked by Wiki User

Corpse is biotic because it was once living.

Biotic = something that is living, or that lived at one time (animal, plant, bug)

Abiotic = nonliving things (dirt, air, rock, water)

How do pesticides affect your marine ecosystems?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pesticides can have harmful effects on marine ecosystems. When they are used on land, they can runoff into nearby water bodies, leading to water contamination. This contamination can harm aquatic plants and animals, disrupting their ecosystems and potentially causing population declines. Pesticides can also have long-term effects, such as bioaccumulation in the food chain, which can further impact marine life.

Why do ecologists study species transplants?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ecologists study species transplants to better understand the impact of introducing non-native species to new environments. This research helps to determine if transplanted species can become invasive and disrupt ecosystem dynamics. It also provides insights into the ecological processes involved in species colonization and adaptation, aiding in conservation and management efforts.

Which type of ecosystem can be found in the mountain region of North Carolina?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the mountain region of North Carolina, you can find temperate deciduous forests. These forests are characterized by a variety of tree species that lose their leaves in the winter. The region experiences a cooler climate due to the higher elevations, which supports the growth of these forests.

Where can someone get more information on the Ecosystem?

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Asked by Wiki User

Someone can get more information on the ecosystem by conducting research online using reliable sources such as scientific journals, government websites, and educational institutions. They can also visit local libraries or bookstores to find books or publications dedicated to the study of ecosystems. Additionally, attending workshops, seminars, or conferences related to the environment or ecology can provide valuable insights and networking opportunities.

Is a whelk an abiotic factor?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, a whelk is a living organism and is therefore a biotic factor. Abiotic factors refer to non-living components of an ecosystem, such as temperature, sunlight, and water.

Role of ecological dominance in an ecosystem?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ecological dominance refers to the ability of a particular species to outcompete and dominate other species in an ecosystem. This can have a significant impact on the structure and function of the ecosystem. Dominant species often have a strong influence on resource availability and can shape community composition and biodiversity. They play a crucial role in maintaining the balance and stability of an ecosystem.

Is a population that is experiencing exponential growth fast or slow?

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Asked by Wiki User

A population that is experiencing exponential growth is typically fast. Exponential growth refers to a constant growth rate where the population size increases exponentially over time. This means that the population doubles at a regular interval, leading to a rapid increase in numbers.

Are eagles primary producers?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, eagles are not primary producers. Primary producers are organisms, like plants or algae, that can produce their own food through photosynthesis. Eagles are consumers, specifically secondary consumers, as they primarily feed on other animals.

Example of an ecosystem for boitic and abiotic factor?

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Asked by Wiki User

An example of an ecosystem is a coral reef. The biotic factors include the fish, coral, and other marine organisms, while the abiotic factors include sunlight, water temperature, and the physical structure of the reef. These factors interact to create a complex and interconnected system where organisms depend on each other and the environment for survival.