


Explorers and Expeditions

From the beginning of time man has never been satisfied to stay in one place. Forever curious, individuals and groups have set out on new and wondrous voyages throughout history. Their stories and information can be found here.

500 Questions

What it means to fall short of the glory of god?

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Asked by Wiki User

We experience the glory of God as we walk in fellowship with Him.

I John 1:7 "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin."

Because none of us walk perfectly, we need a savior.

Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"

All men except Jesus Christ have broken fellowship with God, which is sin. Fulfilling all the Old Testament law, Jesus:

Hebrews 4:15 "...was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin."

What type of tools did Vasco Nunez De Balboa use?

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Vasco Nnunes del Balboa used and astrolabe and a traverse board to sail to the Istas e Panama.

What year did Juan Ponce De Leon find Florida?

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Juan Ponce de Leon first came to Florida in 1513. In 1521 de Leon later returned to perform a permanent settlement. The Native Americans didn't like that idea so they declared war. Juan Ponce de Leon was injured in the leg forcing him to retreat to the nearby island of Cuba where he died from his injury.

What is Bartolomeu Dias favorite color?

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what was bartolomeu dias favorite color

Why was Charles Lindbergh called lucky lindy?

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Asked by Wiki User

He was called Lucky Lindy. Why? Because he was able to fly over the Atlantic ocean while others sadly died in attempt. Also, for that, he won over $25,000~ "Lucky" him.

What were some of drkings challenges and how did he overcome them?

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Asked by Wiki User

Drinking has alot of challenges like loosing respect because of careless speach,urinating anywhere ,struggling during motion thinking of buying alcohol in every money you get money ,having no time to work because you are drunk and many others.

You may begin drinking thinking it will relief your stress but that is solving a problem by creating a big problem.

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What was the name of Francisco Pizarro's ship?

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Asked by Wiki User

The name of the ship that Fransisco Pizarro commanded was the Piloto Mayor.

The above statement is completely inaccurate. Piloto Mayor was the main pilot or navigator of Pizarro ship, not the name of the ship. There are no legitimate documented counts of the ships' names.

What was the name of Francisco Vasquez de Coronado's ship?

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Francisco Vasquez de Coronado did not have a ship. His expedition consisting of 300 Spanish soldiers and a thousand Indians set off from Mexico on foot or on horseback to explore the American southwest looking for the golden cities.

What 3 words describe Marco polo?

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He is magnificent.

He is adventurous.

He is outstanding.

He is amazing.

Did Amelia have kids?

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did amelia earhart have kids

What was Samuel de champlains favorite color?

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Asked by Wiki User

blue- i think everyone knows that! :) LOL. Just kidding- i didnt know until about a week ago.

What Spanish explorer met Montezuma?

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Hernan Cortes met Montezuma

What was the goal of Hernando Cortez?

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The primary goal of Hernando Cortez was to conquer the Aztec empire and obtain its wealth for Spain. He also aimed to spread Christianity and expand Spanish influence in the region.

Countries did david livingstone likely enter?

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Asked by Wiki User

David Livingstone, the Scottish explorer and missionary, is known for his explorations in Africa. It is likely that he entered a number of countries during his journeys, including South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Tanzania, and Mozambique. Livingstone extensively traveled throughout these regions, seeking to open up trade routes and spread Christianity.

How did the success of Cortes and Pizarro affect later exploration of Americas?

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Asked by Wiki User

They helped look for riches. And they took over the main civilizations so they could get places faster.

Who were the early explorers in Brazil?

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Some of the early explorers in Brazil were Pedro Álvares Cabral, who is credited with the discovery of Brazil in 1500, and Amerigo Vespucci, who explored the coast of Brazil in 1501. Other explorers include Pero Vaz de Caminha, who was the official chronicler of Cabral's expedition, and Fernão de Noronha, who established the first Portuguese settlement in Brazil in 1503.

Explorers by roadworks?

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Asked by Trinity Wills

"Roadworks by Explorers" is a platform where adventure seekers can discover new roads to explore. It provides information about ongoing roadworks across various regions and allows users to plan their trips accordingly. Users can also share their experiences and recommendations with fellow explorers to make their journeys more enjoyable and hassle-free.

How old was Pizarro when he started exploring?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pizarro was in his early 30s when he started exploring. He was born around 1478 and began his expeditions in the early 1500s, particularly his first expedition to Tierra Firme (mainland South America) in 1509.

How did Alexander Mackenzie interact with the natives?

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Alexander Mackenzie interacted with the natives by establishing diplomatic relationships and seeking their guidance and assistance during his expeditions. He relied on their knowledge of the land, survival skills, and navigation to help navigate through unfamiliar territories. Mackenzie also conducted trade with the indigenous populations, exchanging goods and establishing friendly relationships.

What did Robert la Sallee find?

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Robert La Salle was a French explorer who is known for claiming the Mississippi River and surrounding lands for France. He explored parts of present-day Canada, the Great Lakes region, and the Mississippi River, and is known for establishing forts and trade routes. In his explorations, he found new lands and territories, established trade connections with Native American tribes, and contributed to the French colonization of North America.

Who was the 11th century Norse explorer who established Vinland?

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Asked by Tls1229

The 11th-century Norse explorer who established Vinland was Leif Erikson. He was the son of Erik the Red, the founder of the first Norse settlement in Greenland. Leif Erikson is considered to be the first known European to have set foot in North America.