


Global Warming

Global Warming is the century-scale rise in the average temperature of the Earth's surface, oceans, and atmosphere due to an increase in the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation trap heat that would otherwise escape from Earth. This warming is causing climate patterns to change.

500 Questions

What is the theme for the story day after tomorrow?

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The theme is we ignore ominous threats to our environment, and pay for it when the climate tries to heal itself by cataclysmic storms that trigger a new ice age.

The movie was typical "Hollywood", with a hard lean to climate change theories.

What is carbon capture and storage (CCS)?

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a process to further limit carbon dioxide emissions from burning coal

How are climate change and global warming monitered?

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The Mauna Loa Observatory (MLO) is an atmospheric baseline station found in Hawaii. Here they monitor the CO2 and SO2 in the atmosphere.

What is global warming activity?

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Global warming refers to the long term increase of the earths temperature. It is directly linked to climate change but is not an interchangeable term for it.

Which of these is the most likely result of polar ice caps melting?

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Fishes would be harmed by changes to the ocean water (apex)

What percent of expired air is carbon dioxide?

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Approximately 4-5% of expired air is carbon dioxide

How does the warming of the ocean affect the water cycle?

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it increases the evaporation water.

When will the ice caps completely melt?

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Images from NASA satellites show that the area of permanent ice cover is contracting at a rate of 9 percent each decade. If this trend continues, summers in the Arctic could become ice free by the end of the century. edit: I heard from the news a few weeks ago that the North Pole icecaps could be gone by Summer 2020.

What are the three strands of sustainable development?

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-integrating economic, social & environmental considerations

What makes a problem a global problem?

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Global means 'pertaining to the world, or worldwide. So like, global warming...well, it's happening all over, or will be...and the universal dream is global, because everyone wants world peace, and no third world countries, etc. Or well...the majority does. Hence, it's still world wide, so it's global.


Usually, the word 'global' refers to anything that has some kind of impact on everyone or every place in the world. for example, there is a local economy where you live. There are small businesses, individual service providers like hairdressers, doctors, carpenters, etc. There are also banks and lending companies that probably do business across state lines. Some may do business on an international level. Each nation's policies and practices regarding international business have a potential impact on other nations. So there is something called the 'global economy'.

Global warming is another common term and it has to do with the human impact on our planet's self-regulating systems. Interestingly, there are connections between the 'global economy' and 'global warming'.

What areas are in danger due to global warming?

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Many areas are in danger due to global warming, including coastal regions, where rising sea levels increase the risk of flooding and erosion. Additionally, Polar regions are at risk as rising temperatures lead to the melting of ice sheets and glaciers. Other areas vulnerable to drought and wildfires are forests and arid regions, which face an increased risk of desertification. Agriculture-dependent regions are also threatened due to the impact on crop yields and water availability.

Why smart phones are causing global warming?

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Smart phones themselves do not directly cause global warming. However, their production process and usage contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, primarily through the extraction and processing of raw materials, manufacturing, and energy consumption. Additionally, the reliance on data centers for storing and processing the vast amounts of data generated by smart phones also contributes to carbon emissions.

Why is global warming important to young people?

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Global warming is important to young people because they will inherit the consequences of climate change. The actions taken now will determine the state of the planet they live on in the future. Young people are also more likely to be affected by the long-term impacts of global warming, such as extreme weather events, sea-level rise, and resource scarcity. Additionally, young people have a moral and ethical responsibility to advocate for solutions and take action to protect the planet for future generations.

What are three reasons why global warming is bad?

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  1. Global warming leads to rising temperatures, which in turn can result in more frequent and intense heatwaves, leading to negative impacts on human health and well-being.

  2. Global warming can cause the melting of polar ice caps and glaciers, leading to sea-level rise. This increases the risk of coastal flooding and erosion, threatening coastal communities and important ecosystems.

  3. Global warming can disrupt weather patterns, leading to more extreme weather events such as hurricanes, droughts, and wildfires. These events can cause widespread destruction and loss of life, as well as long-term damage to ecosystems and agriculture.

What are 3 possible consequences of doubling earth's human population?

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  1. Increased strain on limited resources and ecosystems: With double the human population, there would be higher demand for food, water, energy, and other resources. This could lead to depletion of natural resources and damage to ecosystems, affecting biodiversity and exacerbating environmental problems like deforestation and pollution.

  2. Overcrowding and urbanization: The world would experience rapid urbanization and population density in cities, leading to overcrowded living conditions, increased traffic congestion, and pressure on infrastructure such as housing, transportation, and healthcare.

  3. Social and economic challenges: A rapid doubling of the human population could lead to social and economic challenges, including high unemployment rates, income inequality, increased poverty, and competition for jobs and resources. It may also strain social services like education and healthcare, making it difficult to provide adequate services to all.

Are cow farts lethal to global warming?

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While cow farts (specifically, the methane they release) do contribute to global warming, they are not directly lethal. However, they are a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change. Reducing methane emissions from livestock is important for mitigating global warming and protecting the environment.

The warming of an atmosphere due to heat being trapped is?

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called the greenhouse effect. This occurs when certain gases, like carbon dioxide, trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, leading to an increase in temperature. Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, have intensified the greenhouse effect, contributing to global warming.

What human activities can alter the weather?

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Human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes can alter the weather. The release of greenhouse gases from these activities can contribute to climate change, leading to shifts in temperature, precipitation patterns, and extreme weather events. Additionally, urbanization and land-use changes can create heat islands, affecting local weather patterns.

Where is carbon resource found?

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Carbon is found in various forms on Earth. It can be found in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide gas. It is also present in the Earth's crust as carbonates and minerals. Carbon is a crucial element in living organisms and is found in all organic compounds such as plants, animals, and fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas.

What do forests remove from and add to the atmosphere?

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Forests remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere through the process of photosynthesis, helping to mitigate climate change. They also remove other air pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide and ozone. Additionally, forests release oxygen (O2) into the atmosphere, providing essential breathable air for humans and wildlife.

How does global warming actually warm up the planet?

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Global warming refers to the increase in Earth's average surface temperature due to the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. These gases trap heat from the sun and prevent it from escaping into space, resulting in a warming effect on the planet. The main greenhouse gases responsible for global warming are carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4), which are primarily released by human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.

What replaced water as a source of energy for factories?

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Coal and other fossil fuels replaced water as a source of energy for factories. The Industrial Revolution brought about the widespread use of steam engines, which were powered by burning coal to generate steam. This allowed factories to be located away from rivers and other water sources, providing more flexibility for industrial production.

How do trees refresh air and help us in getting rid of global warming explain?

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Trees play a crucial role in refreshing the air and mitigating global warming through a process called photosynthesis. During photosynthesis, trees absorb carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas, and release oxygen back into the atmosphere. This helps reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air, which contributes to global warming. Additionally, trees provide shade, cool the environment, and help regulate local climates, further aiding in combatting the effects of global warming.

When did the first serious research of global warming happen?

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The first serious research on global warming can be traced back to the early 20th century. In 1896, Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius published a study on the greenhouse effect and how it could impact the Earth's temperature. However, it was not until the mid-20th century that more extensive scientific research on global warming began to gain prominence.

What animals will be affected when the polar ice caps melt?

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Various animals will be affected when polar ice caps melt, including polar bears, seals, walrus, penguins, and Arctic birds. These animals rely on the ice for hunting, breeding, and resting, and the melting ice threatens their habitats and food sources. Additionally, some fish species that depend on cold water may also be impacted.