



Originating in the Middle East and southeastern Europe hamsters are rodents and a member of the subfamily Cricetinae. Hamsters are one of the easiest animals to care for and breed in captivity. Hamsters are very popular among younger pet keepers.

500 Questions

Is homemade clay safe for hamsters?

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NOOO! Hamsters cannot do anything with clay and if they eat it they will die! Please dont put home made or any clay around Hamsters

What will happen if you don't change your hamsters bedding?

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The hamster will probably get sick or will DIE if you don't change the bedding. So if you havent changed it DO IT NOW!!

Is Aspen bedding okay for hamsters?

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Aspen bedding is safe for hamster but only from a proper pet store if from other stores such as a hardware store can be know to cause hamster cancer

Can a hamster get cancer?

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yes they can. hamsters can develop a tumor which basically means it has cancer
Yes it is possible for hamsters to have cancer, but they are most likely to be put down since they are so small.

Are hamsters vertebrate or invertebrate?

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A cat is a mammal. All mammals are vertebrates.

If you feel along the cats back, you can almost always feel their spine.

Spine = Vertebrate.
the cat is a vertebrate

How do you test a hamsters intelligence?

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Just see how fast it runs and how powerful it's bite is yeah but a hamster in a long but protected area and see how fast it will take it to run to the end or how it runs and if it runs immediately and also your hamster with the bite thing hamsters fix there teeth to be perfect for everything including protection so it it's sharper or hurts more than yeah and also if your hamster sniffs the food first then eats it than yeah that's another sign your hamster is smart also if it runs away from your hand or not if it does than its smart but if it sniffs it first than comes on than its smarter also if it does the second one than bites than it dosent trust you enough.

Can a hamster scuba-dive?

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No, hamsters cannot scuba dive. Scuba diving is a complex and specialized activity that requires specific equipment, training, and physiological adaptations. Hamsters are small mammals that are not adapted for underwater activities, and attempting to make a hamster scuba dive would be harmful and potentially fatal to the animal.

Hamsters are terrestrial animals that are not equipped with the physiological adaptations necessary for breathing underwater. They do not have gills or the ability to hold their breath for extended periods. Additionally, hamsters are not naturally strong swimmers, and submerging them in water could cause stress and pose a serious risk to their well-being.

It's essential to prioritize the welfare of pets and provide them with appropriate care and environments that meet their natural needs. If you have any questions or concerns about your pet hamster, it's advisable to consult with a veterinarian who can provide guidance on their care and well-being.

Is cat and guinea pig dander the same?

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no not really

How old do you have to be for petsmart?

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In the Grooming Salon, you have to be 16 to become a bather and 18 to become a groomer. As far as the rest of the store, I am unsure. It probly depends on the state you are in. In AZ it's 17 for any positions in the store. Not too sure about grooming and the hotel.

How do you get hamsters not to have babies?

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Isolate the pregnant female from other hamsters, pets, people, and other distractions. Mother hamsters usually eat their babies because they feel threatened and cannot protect them. Male hamsters may eat babies, especially not their blood kin, as a way to ensure their own security.

Never handle the mother or babies until the young are several days old and the mother feels comfortable in taking care of them.

Will boy darwf hamsters fight in one cage if they get along?

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I have two male hamsters they have been in the same cage alone numerous times, and they do not fight ever.

How old should a baby be to travel?

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A baby must at least up to 18years old before he or she can travel because he or she will by this period know some better things to do and what that are not better to do.

Is hamster wheels good for your hamster?

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it helps the hamster to lose a little weight

What word can go before cage?

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Free, Released

Your hamster has a red bump on his front foot what could this be?

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My hamster has had a red bump on his foot before. There is a bump because

a) another hamster bit it or b) he got his foot poked somewhere. This isn't a sickness, so you don't have to worry. It will heal by itself.

When is it a good time to get pregnant?

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The right time to have a baby is when you feel the moment could be. There's not really a right answer for this question (because everyone comes from different cultures and therefore, different believes). But here are some suggestions that might help you when to choose to: Be ready or prepare either physically (at mature age) and emotionally (know what you're about to do). Be in agreement with your partner and/or family (this last is not necessary, in many cases).That this baby is coming because of the love you two have with each other. Have a budget of all the necessary needs (a home, money for: food, water, diaper, birth, etc). And surely much more. But regardless of everything, it's you who determine when the right time is to have a baby(ies). It's up to you to deicide when you are ready. My only advise is to think it through. Don't let anyone pressure you. Remember that YOU are the one having the baby, no one should make you make any decisions unless you ask them for advise. Consent with your partner about having a baby too. It's helps to know you'll have support after the baby is born. This is you choice you have to ask yourself if you are ready. If you think you are then you may not be you have to Know that you are.

Where can I view pictures of cute hamsters?

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Cute hamsters can be found online, simply by searching for websites that offer cute pictures. One could also purchase a book from their local book store with hamsters in them.

What is a good female seal name?

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What should you do if your hamster will not eat or not stop shaking?

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Get him to the vet ASAP. He may be having a seizure, which is life threatening. Search for an open vet and get him over there right away.

How much is a big hamster cage?

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it depends on the hamsters and the cage but i would say from 30 and up

Do hamsters have scent glands on their cheeks?

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Yes, this is called a pouch if you watch a hamster put food in its checks they can stuff food in a secret pouch or glands witch they can go later and remove to food from their checks and eat later.The scent also helps the hamster remember that they have the food in there pouch.

Should you wear gloves when handling a brand new hamster?

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Yes, you should use gloves because if a hamster is newborn, it may bite. Using a glove is the best way.

How do you get your hamster to stay in the hamster ball?

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Depending of preferences, pick up the left testical, squeezing tightly... Pick up the knife and slowly slice... once there is an open wound, take out the sperm sack, replacing it with the hamster of your choice.