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physical change is reversible because you can undo it for example: if you fold a paper you unfold the paper.

chemical chang is irreversible because if you make somthing together you could not seperate them.

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13y ago

Not very much alike. Both chemical and physical reactions can be called either reversible or irreversible. However, given an unlimited supply of energy, any reaction is potentially reversible. Generally, a reaction is called reversible if a fairly small input of energy is required for reversal and irreversible when a large amount of energy is required.

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12y ago

Reversible reactions re example of chemical notable different

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Q: How are chemical reactions different to reversable changes?
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How are chemical reactions described?

Chemical reactions are described based on observations. It may be in terms of changes in color, state of matter, or density.

What results in a chemical change?

Chemical changes occur when a substance combines with another to form a new substance, called synthesis or, alternatively, decomposes into two or more different substances. These processes are called chemical reactions and, in general, are not reversible except by further chemical reactions. Some reactions produce heat and are called exothermicreactions and others may require heat to enable the reaction to occur, which are called endothermic reactions. Understanding chemical changes is a major part of the science ofchemistry. When chemical reactions occur, the atoms are rearranged and the reaction is accompanied by an energy change as new products are generated. An example of a chemical change is the reaction between sodium and water to produce sodium hydroxide and hydrogen. So much energy is released that the hydrogen gas released spontaneously burns in the air.

Is it true that during chemical changes atoms are rearranged and different kind of matter form?

Yes, in chemical reactions the fundamental structure of the molecules (i.e., the arrangement of the atoms) changes. This differs from a physical reaction, in that in a physical reaction, only superficial traits of the substance change. A good rule of thumb for determining whether something is a physical or chemical reaction is that physical reactions are easily reversible (e.g., freezing/melting water), while a chemical reaction is not really reversible (e.g., cooking/uncooking a steak).

What type of change that produces a new substance?

If you mean changing one element into another, like uranium 238 into plutonium 239, which happens in nuclear reactors, the word is 'transmutation'. Otherwise many chemical reactions form new substances, without the elements involved changing, and these would be called 'chemical reactions'.

What energy transformation is when a bird is eatin a worm?

The worm's chemical energy changes to the bird's chemical energy obtained from the worm.The two chemical energies are different.

Related questions

Do chemical changes and chemical reactions differ?

No. They are just two different terms that mean the same thing.

Are chemical changes irreversible If yes then what about the chemical reactions that are reversible Don't we say that all chemical reactions are chemical changes?

some chemical changes can be reversed but they are hard to reverse usually

What are names for chemical changes?

This name is chemical reactions.

What are characteristics do all chemical changes have?

All chemical reactions cause the change of color and the Change in temperature. Chemical reactions also have the characteristic of releasing gas.

do oreos undertake any chemical changes?

Do Oreos undertake any chemical changes? Yes. How can Oreo be a chemical changes? Cooking involve chemical reactions, modifications of chemical molecules.

Why do chemical reactions always involve a chemical change?

Chemical bonds always break in chemical reactions, causing changes in energy.