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the Periodic Table is grouped according to similarities. when Mendeleev grouped his first periodic table they followed a pattern. any elements that contained similarities they were all put into the same column.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Elements in the periodic table are arranged in groups (vertical) and periods (horizontal). If a group of elements is in the same group it means that all the elements will react similarly when in the same circumstances and situations.

Then as you move from left to right across a period each element will have one more electron in its outer shell. The element on the end of a period will have a full outer shell of electrons. Basically they're arranged by their atomic number and Atomic Mass so each element has a higher atomic weight than the one on its left.

Note: The atomic number is the number of protons in the element's nucleus.

The atomic weight of each element is how heavy its atoms are in comparison to an atom of hydrogen which is the lightest element.

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12y ago

There are 18 columns on the periodic table. The first 2, and 13-18 are all grouped by how many valence electrons the outermost ring of an atom has. Therefore, the elements in the columns all have similar properties. There are also other ways they are grouped. They are arranged in "number order". The number is how many protons are in the nucleus of the atom. And, they are also grouped by metals, non-metals and metalloids. The elements all the way to the left are considered "metals", some on the "staircase" are metalloids, and the ones all the way to the right are non-metals, or known as gases. The only exception to this rule is Hydrogen, it's a non-metal, but it's all the way to the left in the 1st column.

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14y ago

They are grouped by similar characteristics

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13y ago

They are grouped horizontally by atomic number and vertically by similar properties.

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11y ago

they are grouped by their chemical properties

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10y ago

Chemical elements in a group of the perodic table of Mendeleev have similar properties.

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9y ago

The elements are arranged in the order of increasing atomic masses such that the elements having same properties are grouped together.

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13y ago

by atomic mass

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