

How can flame testing be improved?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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Depending on the metal or metal salt you are flame testing a different colour will often result. The different colours are due to the separation of the electron orbitals. In the excited stated the electrons have taken energy from the flame. When they relax they give off radiation, most commonly in the form of visible light. Copper for example is blue/green and strontium is pink/red and magnesium is white. Other metals such as tungstan give off radiation in the x-ray range. Neon can be made to give off many different colours depending on its pressure.

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11y ago

To improve the results of a flame test you simply get a proper scientist to do it. If you cant find one in your home town you may have to go abroad to a different country in order to find one. Try Russia, Ukraine, Transelvania and Bangladesh.

If all else fails, go home, eat some cake, have a McDonalds, get drunk, get high and forget all about it.

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12y ago

tell them to stop it and get the poliece

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