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Tally Multi User and Tally single users have no difference in features. Both have same features.

Tally is single user or multi user it depends on type of license which has been purchased. Tally has licensing system different for each version. One can upgrade from Tally single user to Tally Multi user but one cannot downgrade from multi user to single user.

So buy accordingly keeping in mind your future plans.

For more information on Tally you can visit Tally's blog at

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Standard tally dont have option to change font size. Using tally developer environment (TD9) application to modify the source code. We need to know TDL (tally defenitin language) programing to alter. Search for the field and change the font size as per the details there. Any querry please send mails to

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You can do this with a simple for loop counting through the array and increasing a tally each time you sought number is hit.:tally = 0for each element in the array {if this element has the value we want{tally = tally + 1}}output the talyIn PHP for example, this could be done like so:$tally = 0;foreach($foo as $bar){if($bar == $value_sought) $tally++;}echo $tally;where "$foo" is the array you're serching and $value_sought is the number you're looking for.

Write a program that prints the letter X composed of asterisks?

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> void draw_x(int width, int height); int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ int width, height; if(argc != 3){ printf("Syntax: this_program width height\n"); exit(1); } width = atoi(argv[1]); height = atoi(argv[2]); // make sure they're both positive non-zeros if(height > 0 && width > 0){ draw_x(width, height); }else{ printf("numbers must be naturals\n"); exit(1); } return 0; } void draw_x(int width, int height){ int tally = 0; int drawx, drawy; char grid[height][width + 1]; memset(grid, ' ', height * (width + 1) * sizeof(char)); if(width > height){ drawy = 0; for(drawx = 0; drawx < width; drawx++){ tally += height; if(tally > width){ tally -= width; drawy++; } grid[drawy][drawx] = '*'; grid[drawy][width - drawx - 1] = '*'; } }else{ drawx = 0; for(drawy = 0; drawy < height; drawy++){ tally += width; if(tally > height){ tally -= height; drawx++; } grid[drawy][drawx] = '*'; grid[drawy][width - drawx - 1] = '*'; } } for(drawy = 0; drawy < height; drawy++){ grid[drawy][width] = 0; printf("%s\n", grid[drawy]); } }

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For example:c = a + b;(This calculates the sum of a + b, and assigns the result to variable c.)If you repeatedly want to add something to an accumulated sum:b = b + a;or better:b += a;For example:c = a + b;(This calculates the sum of a + b, and assigns the result to variable c.)If you repeatedly want to add something to an accumulated sum:b = b + a;or better:b += a;For example:c = a + b;(This calculates the sum of a + b, and assigns the result to variable c.)If you repeatedly want to add something to an accumulated sum:b = b + a;or better:b += a;For example:c = a + b;(This calculates the sum of a + b, and assigns the result to variable c.)If you repeatedly want to add something to an accumulated sum:b = b + a;or better:b += a;

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A non-positional number system is the one in which the symbols that are used to represent a number will have its own place value. For example, in the early ages stones and sticks were used to count a number, with one stick for 1, a hundred sticks for 100 and so on. The position or placing will not make any change.