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It weakened public support for new legislation.

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Zoie Bergstrom

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1y ago
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2mo ago

The court packing plan, which involved increasing the number of justices on the Supreme Court, undermined public support for Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal. It was seen as an attempt by Roosevelt to manipulate the judiciary and consolidate power, leading to widespread criticism from both Republicans and Democrats. Ultimately, the plan was unsuccessful, but it exposed a significant opposition to Roosevelt's policies and limited his ability to push through additional reforms.

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Q: How did the court packing plan affect Franklin D. Roosevelt's plans for the New Deal?
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How did the court packing plan affect Franklin d roosevelts plans for the new deal?

A it weakened public support for new legislation

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By expanding the nine-member Court with up to six more Justices

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it weakend the elction for a new legislation

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the time line for franklin roosevelt's court packing scheme

How did the court packing plan affect Franklin D. Roosevelt's plan for the new deal?

it weakend the elction for a new legislation