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The scientific method was developed as a means of probing how things actually worked. This rational approach to explaining the natural world, replaced magical explanations and religious dogma.

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Bennett Bode

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1y ago
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Q: How did the scientific revolution change during the scientific revolution?
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One way that science changed during the scientific revolution was to cause people to question their scientific beliefs. They were curious, they wanted to know more about the world that they lived in. The scientific method was important during this time.

How did the scientific nature of nature change during the scientific revolution?

Scientist used abstract reasoning to explain how something happened.

How did the scientific view of natural change during scientific revolution?

Scientist used abstract reasoning to explain how something happened.

How did the scientific view the nature change during the scientific revolution?

Scientist used abstract reasoning to explain how something happened.

How did the scientific view of nature change nature during the scientific revolution?

Scientist used abstract reasoning to explain how something happened.