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breed a male white Zebra and a female cream zebra

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Q: How do you breed a tiger horse for horse academy?
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How do you breed a tiger on horse academy on facebook?

get the male horse a white zebra and the female horse a cream zebra then breed using the 30% vitamun

How do you breed a appaloosa on horse academy on facebook?

On the game Horse Academy on Facebook, If you want to create a "specialty breed", you have to match certain horses to get them. For example, If you want a BLACK BLANKET APPALOOSA: Breed 2 black piants together BROWN BLANKET APPALOOSA: Breed 2 brown paints together I have also discovered how to create the Tiger Horse, and a silverish colored hose with the rare white or golden mane. I still have not yet discovered how to make the pink or green tinted horses. I am still experimenting with that one.

How do you breed a horse with a white mane on horse academy facebook?

Get a president jockey, and just breed with a vitamin

What age does a male horse have to be to breed on horse academy?

About 3 years old

How do you breed a caribou horse on Horse Academy?

It is not a carribou horse, its a Reindeer or Rudolf..... Do you meen the reindeer? Then its a elf with a brown horse and brown horse Rudolf is a reindeer with a reindeer

What is the scientific name of a tiger horse?

Tiger Horse is the name of a specific coloration and pattern. These horses are appaloosa-spotted, on their coats. They are not a cross between horses and tigers, which is genetically impossible. The "Tiger Horse" is mostly associated with gaited horses, and the extinct-but-being-reconstructed Spanish Jennet breed.