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Beat the Elite Four and then go to Turnback cave(South of Veilstone along Spring Path)In there is an entrance to the distortion world where the Griseous orb lies. Make Giratina hold it and he will change into the origin form.

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13y ago

Giratina can be caught in different forms on different versions of Pokemon. The Origin form, I think you get from Diamond. I'm not entirely sure. But you have to catch it on different versions of Pokemon to get different forms of it.

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Q: How do you change Giratina into origin form?
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How does Giratina changes form in the real and distortion world?

you need the item Griseous Orb fr giratina to change to Origin Forme and Normal Form

How do you change girtinias form?

You get a griseos orb by completinting a quest.Once you get it,equip it on to Giratina so he can stay in Origin form.

Where is Giratina origin form in diamond?

Giratina's origin forme is not present in Pokemon Diamond only it's Altered forme. Whilst you can still attach the Griseous Orb to it, it will only boost Giratina's stats ,not change it's form, to do that you need to play Pokemon Platinium.

Who is Giratina Origin Forme?

Giratina Altered Forme is a character form from the popular Pokemon game series. It is actually Giratina's altered form.

How do you change Giratina into origin form in Pokemon white?

You'll need to let it hold a Grisious Orb.

How do you change giratinna's form on pearl?

You can't change Giratina's form in Pokemon Pearl (that includes Diamond). You can change Giratina's form in Pokemon Platinum (that includes Heart Gold and Soul Silver). You can change Giratina's form with the Griseous Orb. To change Giratina's form give Griseous Orb to Giratina and then take it off and Giratina changed its form.