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How to change your Betta fish's bowl

First, fill a cup with your fishes water, and then gentle without hurting your Betta, scoop him up with your net, and then put him in the cup. Then, take the plant out of the bowl, and lay it aside on a paper towel or napkin. Afterwards, take a strainer, and pour the water into the strainer over a sink. Then, wash out the pebbles with nontoxic soap and water. Put your pebbles aside for now. After you did that, fill your fish bowl with warm water only for 5 seconds. Then, take your sponge, and dip it in the warm water, take the same nontoxic soap you used for the pebbles, and add a little to the sponge, and then scrub! Until the algae is gone. then, rinse thoroughly until the suds are gone. Afterwards, put your plastic plant in your fish bowl, and then, dump your pebbles into the fish bowl. After that has been completed, stick your index finger into the fish's cup water (without hitting the fish!) and run the sink to the same temperature as the cup water, and fill it all most all the way. Gently, pick your Betta fish up with your net and then place him into his nice, clean home!

Note:If you have clearifire for your fish bowl, use as directed.
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Q: How do you change the water in the bowl for your betta fish?
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What does it mean when a betta fish lays down at the bottom of the fish bowl on its side?

It most likely means that he/she is sick because that is what happened to my betta fish. make sure you don't overfeed your betta fish because it can lead to constipation and that will cause trouble for the betta fish

How much is a small fish bowl?

The price of a small fish bowl is about $24.99! A small fish bowl with nothing in it that holds a gallon of water, costs about $6-$10. You can get them at PetSmart or Walmart. Betta fish don't need a filter but other fish do. So, that will add on to the price of the bowl. Most people like to put something in the bowl, again, that will cost you extra. So, it really depends on how much you want or need in the bowl.

What kind of fresh water fish don't need a heater other than goldf fish?

It is best that all fish have a filter besides Betta fish. Betta fish don't need filters cause the filter pushes them over with their big fins. Goldfish should have a filter on there tank because they are often overfed. If you have a filter you won't have to change the water as often. The only fish that shouldn't have a filer in captivity are Betta fish.

What fish can live in a bowl?

Golf fish, and most types of gold fish, not just the basic ones. small tiny fish, only fresh water! also bear in mind the tank has to be a decent size in comparision the fish and the amount of fish.

Can a Betta fish live in a filtered tank?

Goldfish dont have to have a filter but they need water conditioner like all fish.Fish can survive without a filter but they are always good to have because you dont have to clean it out as often

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How do you clean a circular fish bowl?

This is for betta fish but you can use it for other fish too but why would you keep a fish in a bowl tha's not a betta? Betta are the only fish that can stay in a bowl: When you first get the fish clean out the bowl (make sure there's no dust or anything). How to clean the bowl the first time: At the first time you need completely new water for the fish. Wipe the bowl and make sure it doesn't have dust, residue, or anything dirty make it super clean and shiny. You'll need to put warmish water into the bowl and add water cleaner so it doesn't harm the fish. You can buy water cleaner from your local pet store (the one you got the fish from). And your bowl is ready to go. Second time cleaning the bowl: Make sure you have a container to put your fish in when you clean the water. It has to be big enough so your fish can swim in it. Now you take just a little bit of the old water and keep it for the bowl after. Okay, now you take the fish out with a net and put it in a container with water in it. Now you take out the extra water in the bowl that has poop in it and stuff and put it down the sink or something. Then you clean the bowl if you have to and add water wih water cleaner into the bowl. Also leave some room for the old water from the bowl before it was cleaned so the betta doesn't get shocked or anything from the water change. Then, add water cleaner to the bowl again. Now take your fish out of the container with the net and put your fish back to where he was. That's about it. And also after a few weeks change ALL of the water and keep it warmish. If you change the water temperature to cold right away he'll go into shock for the change of temperature! hope I helped :)

Why does my betta have a slimmy film on top of water in bowl?

Its probably because of a disease fish get that spreads into the water

What is the best home for a betta fish?

well you first need at least a one gallon fish bowl and fish gravel and plants and stuff for them to hide in. fish food, and give them every once in a wile betta fish treats for fat.

When you touch a betta fish do you have to change the water?

no as long as there is water conditioner/ purifier in it

Can fresh water fish live in bowl without filtration?

Very few species can, such as the Betta.

Do betta fish shed?

If you are using tap water for the bowl without conditioner parts of the betta will start to "shed". If you aren't using conditioner then I recommend to go to a pet store and get "betta fish conditioner" that protects against tap water.