

How do you get dog wee out of carpets?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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How to get cat poop or pee out of carpet:

To remove cat pee from carpet get a jug (or the amount necessary) of water and sponge the affected area down. Rub vigorously for five-seven minutes.

After this leave the area for about two hrs and come back with carpet shampoo (you can buy this in a supermarket) and shampoo the area well. Then spray it with air freshener if there is a smell left over from the urine.

Removing poop from carpet. This can be a hard job, please make sure to put on good gloves before removing the substance. Get a poop scooper or shovel and remove the larger substance. Use a scraper to scrape up any other bits left over. Dump the waste AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE! Now get hot water and mop the area with an old cloth. Putting disinfectant in to the hot water can disinfect the affected area.

Now, shampoo your carpet as told above in removing urine from carpet section.

Then leave your carpet to dry out and spray air freshener on it if there is a bad smell. Hopefully the poop will be gone by this stage.

Hope it helps.

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salt and seltsezer.

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Clean it

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