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There are three solutions that I have tried:

1. Sharp razor and carefully razor it off. (This is the fastest most effective way, but if you are not careful, you will end up leaving scratches on the tile.)

2. Pour body/baby/cuticle oil onto it, let it sit, then try to rub it off. (This takes a lot of time and effort.)

3. They now sale a product that you pour onto the wax and let sit for fifteen minutes then wipe off. (Most recommended, but it does take patience.)

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What is better tile or carpet?

Tile is better for 'wet' areas (kitchen, bathroom, laundry, entranceway) but carpet is better for 'dry' areas (dining room, lounge/living room, bedrooms, hallways).

Is hair color continuous or discontinuous variation?

Hair colour is continuous because there is a continual range of values when it comes to hair colour

Are A line on the wall and a line on the floor are skew?


Why can't some shapes tessellate?

A "tessellation" (also called a "tiling") of a plane region is a covering of that 2-dimensional region using shapes that don't overlap and don't leave any gaps uncovered. Typically, we are interested in trying to use shapes that are congruent (all the same size and shape) regular polygons (the angles and sides of each polygon are the same), such as an equilateral triangle, a square, a regular pentagon, etc. This is called a "regular tessellation". It has been shown that the only regular polygons that tessellate are equilateral triangles, squares, and hexagons. So for example, a regular pentagon can't be used to tile a floor, because the angles don't match up as needed and will leave gaps on the floor that would need a different shape to fill them in. Consider, for example, a regular octagon. Each interior angle is 135o. So if you put two octagons next to each other, sharing a common side, then the two interior angles would combine to be 270o. But that leaves only another 90o of the full 360o at the point the two edges meet and need another shape to complete the tiling, which is not enough room to squeeze in another octagon that would take up 135o. The 90o does allow enough room for a square, however, and in fact octagons and squares can be combined to tile a floor in what is called a "semiregular tessellation" (using more than one shape).

Can carpet be put down on an uneven floor?

FLOOR PREP CARPET You can put carpet over an uneven floor, BUT Every ridge, Gap or mis alignment in the sub floor will show through over time. Here is a good rule of thumb.. If a gap or a height difference greater than the thickness of a Nickel is present, it will show through the carpet sooner or later. Carpet cushion will help, but it is not "floor prep" on a roll & will not fix anything, only mask it some. Ardex floor feather finish is a great & easy product to skim coat & feather out and fill in differences, it is available at any carpet installation supply house or the home centers.. DO NOT use dependable white crack filler, it will crack & break apart and cause you more problems in the long run.