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1 diesel fuel

2 cotton

3 fertilizer (chemical)

4 newspaper

5 match

make a pouch kind of thing from the news paper and put in the fertilizer . put diesel soaked cotton on top of it and crumble up the newspaper . lighten the newspaper up and run about 11 feet away from the bomb and take cover over a solid thing. the bomb will explode like a cannon so plz be careful .

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Q: How do you make a agricultural fertilizer bomb with diesel fuel?
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Does fertiliser burn?

A lot of fertilizer contains ammonium nitrate (NH4-NO3) which will detonate if it is pure enough and started with a blasting cap. If simply placed on a fire it may or may not burn depending on the purity of ammonium nitrate. If diesel fuel is added to ammonium nitrate fertilizer it is called a Fuel-Oxidizer fire, or fuel oxidizer bomb as the case may be.

How is ANFO made?

ANFO is an acronym for Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil which is simply ammonium nitrate fertilizer soaked in diesel fuel or some other form of fuel oil such as charcoal starter fluid. It is almost as powerful as dynamite and is the type of bomb used by Timothy McVeigh in the Oklahoma City Bombing which resulted in the deaths of 168 innocent women and children. McVeigh was executed for that crime on June 11th 2001. The ratio of Ammonium nitrate to Diesel fuel is 94.5% ammonium nitrate and 5.5% diesel fuel. Detonation can be achieved with a high temperature such as a spark from a car battery or fireworks such as m80's. More sophisticated detonators can be made from cell phones, walkie-talkies, or even a magneto such as is used by the Army to detonate a claymore mine. The explosion is more intense if the ANFO is in a compressed container. This information is provided solely for educational purposes and should never be used for making a bomb. Remember, it's not illegal to know how to make a bomb and detonate it but it is illegal to make a bomb even if you don't detonate it.

How do you make ammonia fertilizer?

Get a big bucket poor about 1pound of amonia nitrate fetilizer in and then poor in 1/2 - 1 gallon of diesel fuel and stir.

Which fossil fuel is separated from petroleum?

diesel fuel is one of them

What fuels are made from petroleum?

Gasoline, kerosene (jet fuel) and diesel fuel