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Q: How do you write off an accrued expense for an invoice never received?
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Can original invoice be altered?

Never alter an original invoice, especially if the invoice has been sent to the consumer. If the invoice has not yet been sent, then it is better to destroy (void with notes as to why it's been voided) the invoice and make a new one with the changes, altering the invoice is unacceptable. If the invoice has been sent to the consumer an invoice adjustment must be sent to the customer, noting all the changes that were needed. Paying close attention when filling out an invoice is very important. If the error(s) things such as an overcharge of the balance, then correction is easily made, in some (although extremely rare) if the error(s) is an undercharge to the consumer the company may have to take the loss and take steps to insure that this error never happens again.

What is the difference between trading invoice and sales invoice?

I've never really ran across this, but my understanding, and I do hope that I am at least close is: A trade invoice is an invoice dealing with a "trade", product for product or service for service, even product for service and vice versa. (no cash is involved.) Where a "sales" invoice is pertaining to a cash/product or cash/service transaction.

Insurance an asset or expense?

Insurance is an expense, it should never be considered an asset. That is why cash-value policies are not recommended. Stick with simple term insurance and you will save money.

Journal entry for income paid in advance?

Though I honestly never heard of a company paying a Salary in advance, the journal entry would be:Prepaid Salary (debit) $$$$Cash (credit) $$$$It would be like paying any other expense in advance, such as rent expense, insurance expense etc. You would debit a prepaid account for the amount while crediting your cash. Once the Salary is earned you would adjust the entry by Debiting Salary Expense and Crediting Prepaid Salary.

How can you get your w-2s if you never received them in the mail?

I dont know what happen, but I did not get my w2s in the mail.

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Journal entry to record an accrued vacation expense?

Though I have never heard the term "accrued vacation expense" nor have I ever heard of a "vacation" being a business expense, however, the journal entry would be handled like most "payables". So if your company uses the account of Accrued Vacation Expense, the journal entry should be something like....Vacation Expense (debit) $XXXAccrued Vacation Expense (credit) $XXXOnce the amount is paid, a debit would be recorded in the Accrued Vacation Expense account and a credit to Cash, to remove it from the books and note that the debt (or expense) has been met.

Is income tax a current liability or an expense?

Accrued income tax (Income Tax Payable) is a current liability. When the tax is actually paid it is reported on the income statement as Income Tax Expense.

Can original invoice be altered?

Never alter an original invoice, especially if the invoice has been sent to the consumer. If the invoice has not yet been sent, then it is better to destroy (void with notes as to why it's been voided) the invoice and make a new one with the changes, altering the invoice is unacceptable. If the invoice has been sent to the consumer an invoice adjustment must be sent to the customer, noting all the changes that were needed. Paying close attention when filling out an invoice is very important. If the error(s) things such as an overcharge of the balance, then correction is easily made, in some (although extremely rare) if the error(s) is an undercharge to the consumer the company may have to take the loss and take steps to insure that this error never happens again.

What is the difference between trading invoice and sales invoice?

I've never really ran across this, but my understanding, and I do hope that I am at least close is: A trade invoice is an invoice dealing with a "trade", product for product or service for service, even product for service and vice versa. (no cash is involved.) Where a "sales" invoice is pertaining to a cash/product or cash/service transaction.

Was Agrippa forced or offered to build the pantheon for the first time in Rome by Roman Emperor Augustus?

Agrippa was never forced to do anything. He built the original pantheon at his own expense and of his own free will.Agrippa was never forced to do anything. He built the original pantheon at his own expense and of his own free will.Agrippa was never forced to do anything. He built the original pantheon at his own expense and of his own free will.Agrippa was never forced to do anything. He built the original pantheon at his own expense and of his own free will.Agrippa was never forced to do anything. He built the original pantheon at his own expense and of his own free will.Agrippa was never forced to do anything. He built the original pantheon at his own expense and of his own free will.Agrippa was never forced to do anything. He built the original pantheon at his own expense and of his own free will.Agrippa was never forced to do anything. He built the original pantheon at his own expense and of his own free will.Agrippa was never forced to do anything. He built the original pantheon at his own expense and of his own free will.

What the meaning of if you die in debt you have made a profit?

Profit is when you increase the amount of money you have at someone else's expense. If you die in debt, then the money that you owe will never be repaid - so in terms of your life, you have made a net profit. You have received money that you will never repay.