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Making a cutting tool using obsidian rock is quite easy. The cavemen used to smack pieces of obsidian with other rocks until the obsidian was thin and sharp as a knife.

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Q: How does one make a cutting tool with obsidian?
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How do people mine obsidian?

Make lots of buckets, take lava, and put it down and pour water, then mine with a diamond pickaxe. If you don't have the diamond pick, and you know what you want, put lava exactly there you want the obsidian, surround it by any material on all four sides, just for safety and pour water on it. you don't have to put all the lava in one go, and obsidian can block lava. I recommend not to mine obsidian where you found the lava in the first place, since water can't flow through obsidian and there can easily be lava below the obsidian to take the obsidian when you mine it.

Is obsidian manmade?

Obsidian is not an artificial stone. Obsidian is a naturally formed gemstone. It is formed by the sudden cooling of magma after the eruption from the back mountain pass and the extremely low temperature around it. As one of the common gemstones in life, obsidian is usually made into various accessories to wear, such as obsidian pendants, obsidian bracelets and other accessories. But in addition, because of the extremely sharp nature of the fractured part of obsidian, obsidian is currently used to make surgical blades as well. For more infos and knowledges about crystal, feel free to contact me via Facebook or Instagram by searching astro_healingbyhan or healingbyhan, hope can help you in some ways dear.

Can obsidian float on water?

Obsidian cannot float on water. It has a specific gravity about 2.5, meaning it is about two and one-half times as heavy as water and will sink if immersed.

How did obsidian make the Toltec powerful?

Obsidian played a significant role in boosting the power of the Toltec civilization. The Toltec warriors crafted weapons made of obsidian, such as swords and spears, which were incredibly sharp and effective in battle. This superior weaponry gave the Toltec armies an advantage, helping them become a dominant force in Mesoamerica. Additionally, obsidian was also used for various practical purposes such as tools, jewelry, and ritual objects, contributing to the economic and cultural influence of the Toltecs.

What is a name for volcanic glass?

One word for this is obsidian. Obsidian is a gorgeous hard stone, usually but not always black, and sometimes with iridescent, almost opalescent highlights. Tachylite is also a volcanic glass of basaltic composition.