this is a stupid website. its supposed to have answers.
The distances vary a lot. There are asteroids all over the Solar System.
Not sure.
meteroriods are approximatly 345,897,631,973 miles away from the sun
228,ooo.oookm away from sun
What is the distance from Gemini to the sun
228,000.oookm away from the sun
are approximatly 345,897,631,973 miles away from the sun
meteroriods are approximatly 345,897,631,973 miles away from the sun
The sun is very far away from the sun. In fact, the sun is 19,000,000 miles away from the earth.
I think the meteoroids collusion shall destroy it or the reason away from the sun shall make them die.
the sun is far away
228,ooo.oookm away from sun