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Q: How fast can someone die of cervical cancer if not treated on time?
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Can you get pregnant while having cervical cancer?

Yes, you can still get pregnant. With most types it is possible that you can still get pregnant if you havent gone under certain treatments than may leave you sterile. Some treatments that you can use during early stages of cervical cancer are erfectly safe to do, if in the futrure you would like to have children and the cancer didnt spread to fast on the cervix. All doctors have different opinions on how to treat cervical cancer, so talk to your for more information if you think you might have cervical cancer and want to have children, now or in the future.

Do IUD's cause cervical cancer?

Known risks of an IUD: When inserted: mild to moderate pain followed by cramping or backache 3-6 months: spotting and irregular periods (Mirena) Heavier periods and menstrual cramps (ParaGard) More serious risks: Infection (usually in the first three weeks) IUD Displacement (slips out completely or partially) Uterine perforation (during placement) There is nothing in an IUD that will cause cervical cancer.

When can you drive after a cesarean?

Depends on how fast you are healing and what your doctor tells you

Compared to other types of cancer how fast does ovarian cancer progress and spread?

You'd really have to be more specific about the type of cancer--"ovarian cancer" really only means the primary cancer site was in the ovaries. You might try just typing in "ovarian cancer" on google and reading up on the various forms. I believe it is one of the fastest growing cancers, and unless treated early with surgery and chemotherapy can spread quite quickly. Unfortunately it has very few symptoms to start with, and can get overlooked in check-ups.

What are the most common types of cancers?

The most common types of cancer I know of are Skin Cancer, Lung cancer, and Liver cancer, bowel cancer. I dont know much about them, but if you have it, get rid of it fast

What is the future like for cancer?

The future is not save for cancer patient. Cancer is a deadly disease that kills people fast if not treat earlier or not treated well. Before a cancer is detected,it means that part of your body that has been affected is already dead or hardly for it to be treated.Cancer is very dangerous and very one must stay away from it. No matter the type of cancer it is we should be very careful when treating it. As the saying goes Prevention is better than Cure. We should abstain from certain factors that will deal to cancer for a patient with cancer goes through many pains before their death.