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Its average distance from the sun is 58,000,000 km - so in going once round it travels 360,000,000 km (approximately), and it does this on 88 days, so the average speed is 4.09 million km per day, or 170,000 km/hour, or 47 km/sec.

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14y ago

Mercury travels at about 48 kilometres per second, or 172,000 kilometres per hour.

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13y ago

Mercury goes around sun at 48 km/s

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88 Days(In earth days)

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47.87 km/s

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88 days

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Q: How fast does Mercury orbit the sun?
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How long does it take Mercury to orbit the Earth?

Mercury takes 88 earth days to orbit the sun. 88 days, is a little less than 3 Earthmonths to orbit the Sun takes 87 earth day to complete a year or one time around the sun

What keeps earth in its orbit?

The sun's gravitational pull keeps the earth in orbit around it.

Is the earth tilted on its axis?

Yes, the axis of the Earth is at an angle to the ecliptic (the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun) of about about 23,5°.

What planet has an unusual orbit?

Pluto, if can be considered a planet at all these days. It has an angle which is extremely different from the rest of the planets, and occasionally swings inside the orbit (to be closer to the sun than) of Neptune. Pluto but its not a planet anymore Pluto, if can be considered a planet at all these days. It has an angle which is extremely different from the rest of the planets, and occasionally swings inside the orbit (to be closer to the sun than) of Neptune. Pluto but its not a planet anymore

How is planet's distance from the sun related to the length of its orbits?

Yes, there is a relationship between the distance from the sun and the length of the year for the planets. The greater the distance from the sun, the longer the year. The reasons are explained in Newton's Laws of Gravity and Einstein's Theory of Relativity. A planets year is known as the distance a planet takes to travel around the Sun in a complete orbit. For example, in 365 days time, or one year, the Earth will have traveled around the Sun and be back in the position it is in right now. When compared to Earth, the closer a planet is to the the Sun, the shorter its years are (Mercury, Venus). Planets further away from the Sun have longer years when compared to an Earth year (Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto). So we say that a year on Mercury compared to ours only lasts 88 Earth days, whereas a year on Neptune takes about 60000 Earth days (nearly 165 Earth years). The cube of the distance is proportional to the square of the length of the year or orbital period. For example, Jupiter is about 5.2 times as far from the Sun as the Earth is. Cube 5.2. Now take the square root of the result. That's how many times longer Jupiter's year is than Earth's year. Distance (in AU's) cubed equals orbit time (in earth years) squared. For example, Mars is 1.52 AU with an orbit time of 1.88 Earth years. 1.52^3 == 1.88^2 (�= 3.54) Neptune is 30.11 AU and orbit time of 164.79 Earth years. 30.11^3 == 164.79^2 (�=27295.25) The length of the planet's year is equal to the distance to the power 1.5. So for a planet at 4 times the distance, the rotation period would be 8 times longer (Kepler's 2nd law).

Related questions

What planet has no moons and orbit the sun fast?

Mercury .

How fast is mercury orbiting around Pluto?

Mercury doesn't orbit Pluto; it orbits the sun.

How fast does mercury revolve around the sun and how long is the orbit compared to an earth year?

1 year

What is the orbit from the sun?


Does Mercury or Venus take longer to orbit the sun?

Venus, farther from the Sun than Mercury, takes longer to orbit. the Sun.

Does it take mercury 10 hours to orbit around the sun?

It takes Mercury considerably more time than that to complete an orbit (if Mercury were moving that fast, it would be orbiting around the sun significantly more rapidly than the sun itself spins).Mercury's "year" is approximately 88 Earth days long.