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It can grow anywhere, when people take off dandelions the root still remains and grow into another dandelion and dandelions send chemicals to other plants nearby which make thos plants grow slowly so dandelions get more nutrients and water for themselves.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

The dandelion does not eat anything. Rather, it consumes the light energy from the sun through photosynthesis to get nutrients. It can also get nutrients from the ground through osmosis. The nutrients that it needs are the ones you can find in soil normally (such as nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, micronutrients, and other nutrients).

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βˆ™ 11y ago

A dandelion has adapted to its environment by making its leaves very thin so that it loses as little water as possible through them. Its tap root is long and thick so that it can extract as much water as possible from the ground and store it in the root itself. The thick root also helps to anchor the plant into the ground.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

carbon dioxide, water from the earth, light from the sun

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Seeds from another Dandelion plant pollinate the plant by air

The plant itself grows because of adequate Sun, Water, Heat and nutrients in the soil.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

a dandelion needs water to survive and soil to survive

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βˆ™ 10y ago

The dandelion seed is disperse by the wind and it will grow into a new plant when it lands on the ground

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Two ways. One is by root growth but the most popular is by the the mature flower head refer to as puffballs. The most simple answer is is by wind dispersal.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

A dandelion plant is adapted to its environment as it grows in open, windy places. Ergo it uses the wind to germinate it seeds with are loosely attached the the flower head.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

the answer for dandelion

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Q: How has a dandelion adapted to its environment?
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According to Darwin's theory of natural selection individuals who survive are the ones best adapted for their environment their survival is due to the?

It's due to the inherited adaptations that are well suited to the environment.

Charles Darwin proposed a mechanism for descent with modification which stated that organisms of a particular species are adapted to their environment when they possess?

inheritable traits that enhance their survival and reproductive success in the local environment.

True of False As a result of hundreds of thousands of years of natural selection modern humans are now perfectly adapted to their environment?

False. Organisms are never ' perfectly adapted to the environment, as evolution is blind and can not predict the future, or create anew. All is ' tinkered ' together in the organism on top of adaptions that were from past environments. Natural selection adapts as best it can to the immediate environment and carries vestigial traits and poor engineering solutions on to future generations. ( appendix and the hole in the retina for two examples of this ) While man can shape his environment only a benighted social scientists could think we, as living organisms. are beyond natural selection and evolution, or that we have been perfectly adapted to the present environment.

Darwin saw populations of various species that seemed well-suited to their environment what did this suggest?

it suggested that over time the species had evolved and adapted to the climate they were in.

Natural selection is based on Darwin’s observation that individuals most likely to survive and reproduce are those?

Are those individuals best adapted to their immediate environment.